The Things Network Santa Rosa (TTN_Santa Rosa) has been quite busy since its inception in April. We're actively setting up network infrastructure, mapping coverage, adding new members, and planning an IoT workshop at 180 Studios. We'll share more details about the workshop soon.
In the meantime, there are several ways for you to participate in TTN_Santa Rosa.
You can:
grow the community by inviting your friends and colleagues to join
develop new devices and connect them to the network
create new applications
share your IoT expertise.
If you're looking for a place to get started, or learn more about LoRaWAN technology, The Things Network has lots of resources. Check out: Also, feel free to reach out to other members of the community for help, to share ideas, or collaborate on projects.
(And yes, the title of this post references the "if you build it, they will come" line from the 1989 film "Field of Dreams" in which a farmer builds a baseball field in the middle of his cornfield. Haven't seen it? Check it out and see what it inspires you to create...or simply enjoy catching up on 1980s pop culture.)