Nuevo Gateway para TTN Monterrey
By Javier Nunez
11 December 2019Gracias a la alianza entre Nuvasoft (especialista en soluciones de TI e Internet de las Cosas) y Equysis (empresa líder en productos y servicios de m…
Welcome to our community "The Things Network Monterrey"
Our mission is to provide Monterrey metropolitan area and the entire state of Nuevo Leon with Internet of Things data connectivity by crowdsourcing the network by its citizens and local companies.
We are looking for enthusiastic professional and students that want to joint this community and know more about our initiative.
Contact the core team and help us unleash the Internet of Things in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon and all over the country.
Welcome to our community "The Things Network Monterrey"
Our mission is to provide Monterrey metropolitan area and the entire state of Nuevo Leon with Internet of Things data connectivity by crowdsourcing the network by its citizens and local companies.
We are looking for enthusiastic professional and students that want to joint this community and know more about our initiative.
Contact the co…
Official community
And 39 contributors.
Show allGracias a la alianza entre Nuvasoft (especialista en soluciones de TI e Internet de las Cosas) y Equysis (empresa líder en productos y servicios de m…
Utilizando nuestro gateway LoRaWAN y un nodo de diseñado y construido por Nuvasoft para IoT, el pasado 9 de Agosto de 2018 pudimos realizar diferente…
A inicios de este mes de Junio recibimos en TTN Monterrey, por parte de nuestro patrocinador Nuvasoft un nuevo Gateway con mayores prestaciones. El …
El pasado 29 de mayo se llevó a cabo el lanzamiento de The Things Network: Capítulo Monterrey. El evento fue inaugurado con la conferencia “Trends in…
Te presentamos esta nota de acerca de The Things Network en las vísperas de su lanzamiento como comunidad oficial el próximo 29 de Mayo. …
Nuvasoft ( our community partner and initiator has been developed an Smart City Mockup to teach children IoT concepts based on a …
Hi everybody,
we are very excited to join The Things Network which is an open initiative to build a global Internet of Things (IOT) network. By ope…
Are you interested in working with our community?
Leave us a message.
qvixote_roux is now part of Monterrey community
Javier Nunez posted an update in The Things Network Monterrey: "Nuevo Gateway para TTN Monterrey"
Esteban Soriano becomes a core team member of The Things Network Monterrey, congratz!
The Things Network Monterrey got its 25th member
Monterrey community page updated