Hi everybody,
we are very excited to join The Things Network which is an open initiative to build a global Internet of Things (IOT) network. By open we mean to be crowsourced by people all over the world. The Things Network was initiated in Europe and it's getting traction in America and other continents.
With more than 15,000 active members (studends, freelances, IT professionals and private companies), The Things Network is the biggest open/crowdsourced network in the world.
Our mission at The Things Network Monterrey Community is to provide Monterrey metropolitan area and, later, the entire state of Nuevo Leon (specially in incommunicated and poor communities ) with Internet of Things data connectivity by crowdsourcing the network by its citizens and local companies. By providing this network, we will enable IoT applications for smart city, precision agriculture, logistics, education, disaster prevention, telemedicine and a lot of different use cases to flourish on top of the network at no cost.
Want to contribute?
We are looking for enthusiastic IT professionals, students and companies that want to joint this community and know more about our initiative. YOU ARE THE NETWORK.
--- The core team of The Things Network Monterrey
https://twitter.com/TTNMonterrey (@TTNMonterrey)