Idef Fuarı
By Mehmet Ali Erturk
29 April 2019Mamtaş Bilişim IDEF fuarında Askeri LoRaWAN ürünleri tanıtacak. Salon 14 de fikirküpü alanında meraklılarını bekliyor.
Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey more than 15 Million people and our mission is to enable IoT for this lovely city.
As starting point we are going to deploy our gateways from Asian Side(Anatolian Side) to European Side to connect two continents.
Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey more than 15 Million people and our mission is to enable IoT for this lovely city.
As starting point we are going to deploy our gateways from Asian Side(Anatolian Side) to European Side to connect two continents.
And 52 contributors.
Show allMamtaş Bilişim IDEF fuarında Askeri LoRaWAN ürünleri tanıtacak. Salon 14 de fikirküpü alanında meraklılarını bekliyor.
LoRa/LoRaWAN hakkında kısa genel bilgiler paylaşmıştım fakat genel maillerden, konuya yeni dahil olanlarda bir kavram kargaşası söz konusu. Burdan yo…
Presentations drom second LoRaWAN Meetup in Istanbul.
Talha's demo
Today, we'll presenting LoRaWAN ecosystem and all the parts needed for your LoRaWAN-powered IoT projects. Besides showing the necessary tools avail…
We've started preparing the second meetup on LoRaWAN and main theme of the Meetup will be "How to start your IoT project with LoRaWAN". Depending on …
We are getting ready for our second Meetup and Also a quick LoRaWAN introduction in Turkish is available.
LoRa ve LoRaWAN nedir?
LinkedIn üzerinde LoRaWAN gurubumuz kurulmuştur.
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dnzrobotics is now part of Istanbul community
The Things Network Istanbul got its 50th member
Mehmet Ali Erturk posted an update in The Things Network Istanbul: "Idef Fuarı"
Congratulations! Today is the 1-year anniversary of the community!