IoT Projects with LoRaWAN

Mehmet Ali Erturk


Posted on 27-10-2016

We've started preparing the second meetup on LoRaWAN and main theme of the Meetup will be "How to start your IoT project with LoRaWAN". Depending on your feedbacks we will shape the contents of the events, you can reply what would you like to see during event or add your additional thoughts:

  1. Deeper technical information (LoRa modulation, security, no-gps localisation,...)
  2. How to start own LoRaWAN projects i-) Application development with LoRaWAN; Data Networks, Gateways, Nodes, Development Kits ... ii-) what do I need, what solutions are available
  3. Advantages/disadvantages compared to other technologies (Wifi, GSM, ZigBee, Sigfox,..)