I’ve come back to LoRa after a brief spell away and I’m trying to develop a LoRaWAN logger where the overriding parameter is battery life. I understand the major parameters which will determine this but I’m struggling to find which module can be configured for the lowest sleep current. Any help would be appreciated.
if you want a product added please post a link and in which group you think it should be
if you see any errors let me know … after compiling the lists I’ll make a spreadsheet with more tech details,
It appears to switch off power completely, how would it otherwise be able to get down to 1nA battery use in sleep mode. The nanoPower board does however require its own battery which will last for (only) max 1 year.
I am working on building the circuit into an ESP32 powered board. The addition of the RTC is useful in itself and you then have the choice of effectivly zero sleep current by powering down via the RTC or 10uA with standard ESP32 deep sleep stuff.
I wanted to have the option of also allowing the board to use the SD card for logging, but powering that down seperatly to a LoRa devcie introduced too much in the way of complications, so using the RTC to power down the circuit is one way around this.
I assume this list is about factory and certified modules with buildin stack … @stuartlea ?
we can make a second list with those… if you provide the links where to order them ?
so NO building tutorials or pcb’s only… these could be in a third list
there is a slight risc that this topic goes in all directions… and ends nowere
if you want a product added please post a link and in which group you think it should be -