I was looking for an example of using mongodb to store my node data and came across this:
mongodb is an example of a noSQL database. Using the concept of documents and collections, noSQL databases are ideal for string and management of json-formatted data.
I set up this demo on a clean install of ubuntu xenial (16.04.03 LTS server) running on an HP Proliant MicroServer, bought from a man down the pub ;-) - DigitalOcean provide clear and simple install guides for mongodb and nodejs:
Note that I am running mosquitto client, mongodb and the nodejs app on the same machine.
With some simple mods to server.js, config.js and an update of package.json, it's great to see a demo come together.
in server.js, I changed the the format of mqttURI to include username and password:
var mqttUri = 'mqtt://' + config.mqtt.user + ':' + config.mqtt.password + '@' + config.mqtt.hostname + ':' + config.mqtt.port;`
In config.js, I modded and added a couple of variables:
config.mqtt.namespace = process.env.MQTT_NAMESPACE || '+/devices/+/up';
config.mqtt.hostname = process.env.MQTT_HOSTNAME || '';
config.mqtt.port = process.env.MQTT_PORT || 1883;
config.mqtt.user = process.env.MQTT_USER || '<appid>';
config.mqtt.password = process.env.MQTT_PASSWORD || '<accesskey>';
In package.json, I updated the dependencies:
"dependencies": {
"mqtt": "2.13.0",
"mongodb": "2.2.31"
Running server.js populates a database instance called mqtt with the data from all active nodes for the specified application.
So, it's now down to you to analyse the masses of data collected...
If you want to connect to the TTN broker using mqtts then make the following changes to server.js - note that mqtt.client supports similar options to tls.client
var fs = require('fs');
var client = mqtt.connect(config.mqtt.hostname, {
ca: [fs.readFileSync(config.mqtt.cafile)],
username: config.mqtt.user,
password: config.mqtt.password,
port: config.mqtt.port
} );
and config.js
config.mqtt = {};
config.mqtt.namespace = process.env.MQTT_NAMESPACE || '+/devices/+/up';
config.mqtt.hostname = process.env.MQTT_HOSTNAME || 'mqtts://';
config.mqtt.port = process.env.MQTT_PORT || 8883;
config.mqtt.user = process.env.MQTT_USER || '<appid>';
config.mqtt.password = process.env.MQTT_PASSWORD || '<access_key>';
config.mqtt.cafile = process.env.MQTT_CAFILE || 'mqtt-ca.pem';
I hope this helps some people out there, and I welcome any comments.