Working with Bytes &float(MKRwan 1300)

Are you within range of a LoRaWAN Gateway, or are you thinking of adding your own ?

It does but it doesn’t do sleep out of the box. And as above, you can barely fit any other libraries in.

Technically I believe yes, but as noted I wouldnt go for that these days given its constraints and limitations! :wink: Devboards with externa(SPI) LoRa Module or better yet the full list on the original github link…

Are there a table available as to compare Board to sleep current and memory?

Did you look :wink:

So unlikely.

As for memory, pretty much everything apart from the ATmega328/32U4 has plenty and they have not enough.

No my :telescope:, it is broken :smiley:

Well volunteered …

We will appreciate @LoRaTracker effort, thank you. :smiley: