Windows failed to install node-red-contrib-ttn Node-RED

I have following problems on installing TTN nodes, any ideas?

2020-02-11T15:37:09.760Z Install : node-red-contrib-ttn 2.0.5

2020-02-11T15:37:10.069Z npm.cmd install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production node-red-contrib-ttn@2.0.5
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] ERR! code
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] ENOENT
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err]
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] ERR!
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] syscall
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] spawn git
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] npm ERR!
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] path
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] git
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] ERR!
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] errno
2020-02-11T15:37:14.481Z [err] ENOENT
2020-02-11T15:37:14.482Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.482Z [err] ERR! enoent
2020-02-11T15:37:14.482Z [err] Error while executing:
2020-02-11T15:37:14.482Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.482Z [err] ERR!
2020-02-11T15:37:14.482Z [err] enoent
2020-02-11T15:37:14.482Z [err] undefined ls-remote -h -t
2020-02-11T15:37:14.482Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] ERR!
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] enoent
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err]
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] ERR!
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err]
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] enoent
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] ERR!
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] enoent
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] spawn git ENOENT
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] ERR! enoent
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] ERR!
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err] enoent
2020-02-11T15:37:14.483Z [err]
2020-02-11T15:37:14.503Z [err]
2020-02-11T15:37:14.503Z [err] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
2020-02-11T15:37:14.503Z [err] npm
2020-02-11T15:37:14.504Z [err] ERR! C:\Users\SEAS\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache_logs\2020-02-11T15_37_14_483Z-debug.log
2020-02-11T15:37:14.523Z rc=1

Do you have NPM and Git installed, and are they available from the path?

Aside: the library’s Git repository has been “archived”, and as some TTN SDKs have recently been “discontinued”, I guess this means it’s not going to be maintained, and will not support V3. So, I’d forget about this, and use Node-RED’s standard MQTT client nodes to access data, or the HTTP APIs for administration.


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Thks i Will use the MQTT client.