Wifi/BLE Paxcounter Project with ESP32 boards

The article’s title mentions that ‘counting’ has been suspended in several cities. But inside the article mainly the term ‘wifi tracking’ is used, making it unclear if only tracking or also just the counting is prohibited.

That is so true. We have to wait for clarification on questions asked. I do expect answers because som other companies are affecetd by this too.

what about the big store chains ? that are secretly using this technique …

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TTGO T-Beam V07 with BME280 and OLED-0,96" Display, running Paxcounter, casing colorscheme TTN



Anyone here to meet on #35c3 in Leipzig/Germany this year? :slight_smile:

Hello @Verkehrsrot have a look here: TTN Communities Meeting at the 35c3 and you’re very welcome!

14 posts were merged into an existing topic: LICENSING do and don’t

A Talk on wifi sniffing, market players and legal restrictions:


Greetings -

Thank you, @Verkehrsrot, for the code.

I was able to perform a new install of Atom+platformIO on Windows, configure, and compile and load to a TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 US 915.

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Current paxcounter version in development branch has as strange bug concerning reading the BME680 sensor (if installed): After reproducable 71 minutes (~ 4297860ms) of runtime, the Bosch bsec.cpp routine does not start any longer if called, what means that no new measurements arrive.

Maybe sort of some counter wrap or side effect, but couldn’t find it yet after hours of analyzing… :frowning:

Anyone here who can help?

Paxcounter new release v1.7.11 was published today!

Bugfixes / internal changes:

  • Bluetooth: changed default to bluetooth disabled, this achieves ~10-30% better wifi sniffing results (can be enabled during runtime by rcommand 0x0e or by changing defaults in configmanager.cpp
  • Bugfixes in Cayenne payload encoder
  • Platformio.ini restructured
  • OTA Wifi download stabilized & debugged
  • Upgrade ESP32 core to ESP-IDF v3.1.2
  • Upgrade Arduino-ESP32 core to v1.0.1 (= PlatformIO espressif32 v1.6.0)
  • Update documentation (readme.md)

New features:

  • Full BME680 environment sensor support, including indoor-air-quality (using BOSCH BSEC library)
  • ESP32 AES hardware encryption option (not used yet)
  • PSRAM support on devices with external SPI RAM now fully functional (used to store MACs)

This issue seems not to reoccur with new 1.7.11 version.
So far so good but i have now clue why…

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New paxcounter version 1.7.11 working like a charme on different ESP32 boards :sunglasses:







Did test with following board’s and all work’s with this new release

Board type : ttgov21, White Heltec, Heltec v2, ttgov22-v07

Let’s counter futher on WiFi an BT.


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imagine a square… 100x 100 mtrs
there is a market… the organiser wants to know how many visitors and on what times of the day.

  • how many paxcounters do you need
  • can you make ‘meshed/coordinated’ paxcounters that gives a reliable output for bigger area’s

for that you need to process data from all involved paxcounters, compare them ect.is that allowed

great! & thanks for testing.

Meshed counters and comparing MAC addresses will be strong to legal boundaries, that’s why i did not realize this function.

But i think this not needed. Just grab all anonymous counts from every location a make a realtime heatmap of this data on server side.

So this should be a function of the backend.

The project still misses a functional backend with UI etc., who can make one?

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New #paxcounter version 1.7.14 in development branch got a new feature: Operating as a real time master clock controller, it can generate IF482 time telegrams (useful e.g. for synching railway station clocks).

Time source is a buffered on board RTC, as found on TTGO T-Fox, externally synched either by GPS time or by LoRaWAN* network time.

This way discrete DCF77 decoders becomes obsolete. Maybe someone could add DCF77 encoder to paxcounter code? Then a TTGO T-Fox module could emulate a DCF77 decoder.

*) With TTN yet to come with v3 stack, not supported by v2 stack.