Are you actually reading anything we type or is this some sort of subtle trolling?
Go and look again at what we’ve both said about the relevance of the pending message.
And then create a temporary end-point at, use the provided URL to create a new custom webhook (scroll right to the bottom), watch your application console for an incoming uplink (we are presuming you do in fact have some devices running) and then see it arrive on the
The setup of the integration, which I’ve just tested (took 45 seconds to create & see it working), was using their button to copy the URL to the clipboard, create webhook, give it an id, paste in the URL and tick the uplink box. I categorically did not alter the URL in any way nor did I add any information in to the box to the right of the uplink enabled check box that I ticked. But I did press Save. And yes, mine showing pending as well, because that’s what we expect.