Want to move my TTN Gateway to V3

Hi all, I struggled also a little bit to migrate my Kickstarter-GW from v2 to v3, think one of the issue was that the API-Key displayed was not the same as copied when generated
e.g. copied NNSXS.JEP7xxxxxx , displayed in the console JEP7xxxxxx

summarized my steps:
1.) Add Gateway, mandatory is Gateway ID (no Gateway EUI needed)
2.) Add API-Key: copied API-key when generated (and saved somewhere)
3.) Reset-Gateway with pink button inside
4.) WiFi connection to GW SSID e.g. “Things-Gateway-xy”
5.) Password “thethings” / (IP-address of GW is normally
6.) check Firmware of GW (my was v.1.0.8)
7.) GW-console
8.) set GW-ID from add GW (without @ttn e.g 8916jonenv3)
9.) set WiFi-connection
10.) for EU: https://eu1.cloud.thethings.network
11.) set API-Key from adding the GW e.g. NNSXS.JEP7xxxxxx
12.) Save - GW will reboot