V2 storage integration are down

So nothing has changed !!! Still down after so many hours ? :frowning: :frowning:

To reproduce the problem … create another Application (https://console.thethingsnetwork.org/applications), create a fake device and add the “Data Storage” integration … seems ok ( Status “Running”)… click “go to platform” … and CRACK…Broken …the https site doesn’t respond… http respond with a general page.

So … now I can tell that tha page “The Things Network Status” (https://status.thethings.network/) V2 Integrations → Data Storage = Operational report a “fake” status.
Just done a new user, new application,new device, new integrations “data storage” and is BROKEN so:

  • can we have some update from “TTN” about the problem ?
  • can you tell me if the problem exists on other integration like “HTTP Integration” ?

Please let me know if Data storage work again

no … at least for me

Http integration downlinks , using the URL provided in the uplink, are all reporting connection refused. This started yesterday at around 13:30UTC.

We’re seeing this behavior across 4 applications - all the ones that use downlinks

HTTP Integration is a different thing entirely, so for anyone finding this, HTTP Integration is working OK.

But Data Storage API isn’t working.

Quoting from the operational status page:

Operations and incidents can be discussed in the #ops channel on Slack.

So please stop spamming the forum which is not being read by the operations people and use the proper channel.

How can we you this channel? It appears to not be open for everybody?


This is what slack tells me:

For those looking to join slack and getting a link expired message, searching the forum helps… Can not sign up for slack - link expired was created 19 hours ago and provides a link to join.

FYI, operations staff responded within 6 minutes of mentioning the issue on slack, the latest news is that the issue should be fixed.

Working for me in Swagger, just checking a few client installs.

At first glance I can’t see any gaps in my office gateway canary uplinks. So data was being saved in the background.

The Data storage is working can someone close this topic? Thank you

Apologies - for me the http downlinks aren’t working and see a couple of comments in this thread that suggest a few other are having problems too. (fredyinstr, Farm21), I’ll start a new thread to avoid confusion.

Actually this just started working again - at 10:30 UTC - nothing was changed on my side.