Using SX1301 (RAK833) with Windows 10

Dear colleagues.
I am trying to operate SX1301 module (RAK833) on the Windows 10.
After setting up the device into Mini PCIe port the operation system recognized it as two COM ports.
So the question is: If it is possible to adopt lora_gateway packet_forwarder library for using with Windows 10 platform?
I would also be thankful for any other recommendations what drivers can i use for my purpose.

Are yo using a USB+SPI or SPI-only version?

Model: RAK833.

Your statement does not answer the question, however the picture gives some insight as the board it is mounted on supports USB connection to the RAK833 module, so a safe assumption is that you have the USB+SPI version.
In principle it should be possible to port the code to Windows, however you will need to find a code base that includes the USB code that has been removed from recent versions of the lorawan library provided by Semtech on github (your lora_gateway link)

for windows (and generaly for mPCIe slots) it is better to use a picoGW based cards, easier to compile and run, no need for special drivers, just a usb-to-serial generic driver.

and you can download the executable file for windows, no need to compile.

i recommend n-fuse

and files for windows:

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