Uplinks not showing up in application data when payload is not empty

That includes FOpts = 0x0D, being a DeviceTimeReq which might be causing display issues. Use the MQTT Data API to see if you receive the data. Also:

Or do not ask for DeviceTimeReq, as you’ve implemented your own protocol for that anyhow. As for synchronising time, see also Time synchronisation of a Node - #28 by arjanvanb.

I’d say that’s an invalid packet, as it defines a payload of 0x62 and uses FPort 0. So, this payload should be a MAC command, but it’s undefined?

In the case of an empty payload, maybe FPort 0 is okay. But even then the specification is open for multiple interpretations, maybe expecting at least one MAC command:

If present, an FPort value of 0 indicates that the FRMPayload contains MAC commands only.