TTNMapper does not show all Gateways in default Map


yesterday i have again observed a strange behavior in .
My Mapper has transmitted packets over a gateway that is not shown on the general overview.
With the “advanced map” feature and the gatewayid it is visible but either the mappings nor the Gateway itself is visible in the normal map.

Is there any explanation for this behavior?
This is not a great problem but as i use the visualization of ttnmapper to convince people to involve with lorawan an the things network every gateway could help.

The same behavior was already observed with one of my TTIGs i have lend for some experiments.
In that case i had assumed that it is the problem with changing locations of gateways in ttnmapper.


I have the same problem. One of my gateways is always shown, the other one disappears sometimes. Imho this is not a problem of TTN-mapper but of TTN - see thread from yesterday.

Did you check if its is shown on advanced map when you search for your gateway EUI?
As i understood only your gateway disappears completly. As you can see in the link, it is there in an advanced map and gateway data ( also looks good.

I find my gateway in Advanced Maps and I can see the signals on the Heatmap. Right now, the Gateway (“Kerpen” 25 km WSW of Cologne) is shown on TTN-mapper but not on the TTN-map.

At this very moment, the above does not show any description, nor owner details, nor details about the gateway’s brand and all?

  "eui-00007076ff030276": {
    "id": "eui-00007076ff030276",
    "location": {
      "latitude": redacted,
      "longitude": redacted,
      "altitude": 38
    "country_code": "de",
    "attributes": {
      "frequency_plan": "EU_863_870"
    "last_seen": "2020-10-10T15:29:41Z"

That may be fine if the owner details have been set to be private, and if the other details have not been set. If not, then @wolfp seems right about referring to yesterday’s topic.

Compare to, e.g.:

  "eui-0000024b080606d8": {
    "id": "eui-0000024b080606d8",
    "description": "City of Haarlem, Publiekshal",
    "owner": "haarlem",
    "owners": [
    "location": {
      "latitude": 52.3816697,
      "longitude": 4.62976785,
      "altitude": 18
    "country_code": "nl",
    "attributes": {
      "brand": "Kerlink",
      "frequency_plan": "EU_863_870",
      "model": "Station",
      "placement": "outdoor"
    "last_seen": "2020-10-10T15:29:42Z"

From wich datasource are your blockquotes?

I assuemed as long as there are latitude and longitude available it can be placed on a map.