TTN Indoor Gateway and Join Requests with adeunis test device does not Join

Hi Guys,

i have setup TTN Indoor gateway with success and can see join requests and join accepts of my Adeunis Test Device… But it doesnt join :frowning:

What i am doing wrong?

Normaly it joins without problems here in Hamburg to other public gateways, but not to my indoor gateway…

*******Join Request:
“gw_id”: “eui-58a0cbfffe80176e”,
“payload”: “ADJGUkFEshgArw4CAACyGADJ/vW3q4k=”,
“dev_eui”: “0018B20000020EAF”,
“lora”: {
“spreading_factor”: 12,
“bandwidth”: 125,
“air_time”: 1482752000
“coding_rate”: “4/5”,
“timestamp”: “2019-09-09T13:23:54.566Z”,
“rssi”: -9,
“snr”: 9.5,
“app_eui”: “0018B24441524632”,
“frequency”: 868300000

**********************Join Accept ***********************
“gw_id”: “eui-58a0cbfffe80176e”,
“payload”: “IH+369aZKFAyAXFyt5QeC3KdD7z9b4gG2zGxnBNeOYtu”,
“lora”: {
“spreading_factor”: 12,
“bandwidth”: 125,
“air_time”: 1810432000
“coding_rate”: “4/5”,
“timestamp”: “2019-09-09T13:23:59.567Z”,
“frequency”: 869525000

Any idea?


“rssi”: -9,
“snr”: 9.5,

looks like you’re standing next to the GW ?
try walking away 100 meters

Hi Borroz,

thanks for the idea. Will later test it with larger distance (and not 50cm).

I keep you/forum updated.


Nope, still does not Join…

Must be somehow a logical problem?

“coding_rate”: “4/5”,
“timestamp”: “2019-09-09T14:55:49.250Z”,
“rssi”: -65,
“snr”: 9,

Finding another interesting point:

In the Application Data Window i can see that device tries to register on dfifferent gateway and on my gateway. But the date/time is broken:

“time”: “2019-09-09T14:59:48.340661776Z”,
“frequency”: 868.5,
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“data_rate”: “SF12BW125”,
“coding_rate”: “4/5”,
“gateways”: [
“gtw_id”: “eui-b827ebfffe61601a”,
“timestamp”: 3928144532,
“time”: “2019-09-09T14:59:48.317609Z”,
“channel”: 2,
“rssi”: -119,
“snr”: -17.8,
“rf_chain”: 1
“gtw_id”: “eui-58a0cbfffe80176e”,
“timestamp”: 298345900,
“time”: “1970-01-01T00:00:01.568041188Z”,
“channel”: 0,
“rssi”: -70,
“snr”: 8.5

has my gateway maybe no timesync?


I see you’ve posted this in the main topic to… this one is closed