My TTN gateway is not accepting the join request for my second device.
The first device is a TTN node: it has properly joined the TTN and is transmitting payload to the application.
The second device is an Elsys ELT-2 that is registered in the gateway with the corresponding appEui and appKey set on the device (
I have triple-checked the device EUI, appEui and appKey in the TTN console and the second device and they all match.
Here are the join request and join accept messages captured in the gateway:
join request
"gw_id": "herdlogix01",
"payload": "AFlBAdB+1bNwR/UaAAujBADNa6QaXDs=",
"dev_eui": "0004A30B001AF547",
"lora": {
"spreading_factor": 10,
"bandwidth": 125,
"air_time": 370688000
"coding_rate": "4/5",
"timestamp": "2018-11-14T18:29:48.640Z",
"rssi": -60,
"snr": 11,
"app_eui": "7******159",
"frequency": 904500000
Join accepted
"gw_id": "herdlogix01",
"payload": "IJjLViLK0DPG+cwj0IUiim0=",
"lora": {
"spreading_factor": 10,
"bandwidth": 500,
"air_time": 82432000
"coding_rate": "4/5",
"timestamp": "2018-11-14T18:29:52.663Z",
"frequency": 925100000
Now here is the join request for the second device:
"gw_id": "herdlogix01",
"payload": "AFlBAdB+1bNwfs8D/v9YF6hfKm15SOU=",
"dev_eui": "A81758FFFE03CF7E",
"lora": {
"spreading_factor": 9,
"bandwidth": 125,
"air_time": 205824000
"coding_rate": "4/5",
"timestamp": "2018-11-14T18:07:25.360Z",
"rssi": -91,
"snr": 12,
"app_eui": "7******159",
"frequency": 905100000
Any idea what I am doing wrong?