I am hesitating to buy the ttn-gateway. Currently I am developing my own lora-device. In order to make the debugging easier, I to buy and place a gateway near my device. So that way I am absolutely sure that I am in range of a gateway (even if the antenna is horribly matched). I would also like to be able to see the ‘raw’/encrypted packages that the gateway receives.
So my question: Can I receive raw lora-packets with the gateway, trough ssh/telnet or a serial port or something, without having to write a custom firmware?
The answer is simple: No, unless you add functionality to the gateway.
Actually, allmost no gateway has this functionality. (I am not awar of any) I created similar functionalities with a DIY gateway using @kersing multiprotocolgateway.
Your setup looks great, good job! (What antenna are you using?) I have not been able to solve the range issue so far. I am suspecting the LoRa card to be defective, and will probably return the unit to the vendor.
@davehellings Regarding condensation: I am relative certain that condensation was not part of the issue I my case. It run for a very short period before dropping range.
My Gateway range went down to just 10 meters last year, after about three months of use. Firmware updates did not help, the RF module seems to be the culprit. Now, almost a year(!) later, I’ve received this answer directly from Microchip:
“Please be informed that my colleagues from the business unit in charge for the part number LG8271-I/RM104 told me that this part is End of Life and at the moment there is no replacement part for it.”
So essentially, your TTN gateway is now a brick, although in my case it was three months old when the issue occurred. The TTN guys have been absolutely NO help in resolving this issue either. Please think twice before buying anything from TTN again.
* I understand that you have been in contact, lets us know when its fixed… tnx
for products bought through TTN - contact TTN direct (complaining here alone won’t help you much)
for products not bought through TTN - contact your supplier.
I can hook up to the serial port on The Things Gateway and monitor activity. If I hit enter I get a command prompt:
I tried ? but I get:
*** Command Processor: unknown command. ***
So there is something processing commands! Is there a list of what can be done via the serial port? I would like something akin the to the Pycom lora.stats() command.
Hello; I bought a TTN Gateway, and I’m trying to connect with some nodes through OTAA.
I already registered the gateway (it’s successfully seen as connected on the console) and an application with the devices (they have their own device eui, their own lora app eui and their own lora app key, that I inserted in the device eui, application eui and app key section of the device associated to the application).
The status of the nodes, though, is “never seen”, and the gateway has no received nor transmitted messages.
Am I missing something in the configuration, or it’s just the nodes that have yet to send anything?
Is it possible to configure a TTN gateway to skip all the router/broker/handler steps and send all the packets to a specific address? I’m trying to setup a private local device-to-application environment, and I was thinking whether I’d need the full network architecture.