TTN GATEWAY central 2

The TTN gateway here stopped today after working for more than a month with FW 1.0.3.
I have tried a power reset and SD card update to the latest stable release candidate. Also did a new setup from factory default. No luck so far, LoRa configuration fails, and the gateway is in a reboot cycle. I have shared the system log on github.

Firmware version: 1.0.4, commit: a7beae91, timestamp: 1525259181
Bootloader revision: 1, commit: 7167873a, timestamp: 1496411298
Build time: May 2 2018 11:07:39

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@guru Similar experience here. Gateway was originally DOA (reboot loop) , but worked after update to 1.0.3.
After 1.0.4 online update it was stuck in the reboot loop again but restored overnight after being connected to an Ethernet cable. When installing to it’s original location, connected to WiFi, it was stuck in the reboot loop again. I have let it sit there, and somehow it restored and is now working again. I have set the gateway settings to accept updates and beta releases.

Both 1.0.2 and 1.0.4 give me the bootloop issue. Which branch gives me 1.0.3 and is there anything I can do to help fix this issue please?

You can download it from Releases · TheThingsProducts/gateway · GitHub

And maybe it’s still the stable branch for automatic updates? Don’t know how to tell from the overview on gateway/firmware at develop · TheThingsProducts/gateway · GitHub (but given the URLs I think this matches the stable branch on GitHub, so then 1.0.3 is indeed the current stable version).

I never update(d) my Gateway manually

Gives me:

"platform": "The Things Gateway v1 
- BL r1-7167873a (2017-06-02T13:48:18Z) 
- Firmware v1.0.2-475aef56 (2018-03-15T09:35:00Z)",

I presume it means 1.0.2 is the latest stable release

I haven’t seen any messages on this Forum (or I missed some);
is automatic update silent, or preceded with a public notification?

It appears the LORA modem was at fault. I was getting UART timeout with 1.0.4 which gave me a clue. See TTN Gateway won't register, just reboots

I looked at my configuration today and it is reporting:
Version Info
r1-7167873a (2017-06-02T13:48:18Z)
v1.0.2-475aef56 (2018-03-15T09:35:00Z)

When did we go back to V1.0.2? I thought V1.0.4 was out and stable?

My gateway is totally unstable, lasts between a few minutes and an hour or so, then reboots. Endless reboot until I pink button restart again.

I understand this is crowd funded and not a true commercial project but can we have an indication when we might expect these problems to be fixed. I got my gateway in February so have been patient for quite a few months already.

I added a 15 dB gain whip antenna, getting -46 dB signal with SNR of 10.6. Am I over saturating the LoRa card as if I stop my LoRa device the gateway is stable for longer, soon as I start transmitting it crashes withing 60 seconds.

I just wanted to say that I still have the same stability issues that I described in April - I now have this

Hardware: v1
Bootloader: r1-7167873a (2017-06-02T13:48:18Z)
Firmware: v1.0.4-a7beae91 (2018-05-02T11:06:21Z)

I am really losing hope.

Meanwhile, I bought a LorixOne Gateway to not block our rollout in Freiburg.

I was just wondering if it’s possible to provide the TTN Gateway with a static IP address.
The wired network we are attaching it to does not run DHCP so we are somewhat stuck.
Is there a web interface page (or any other way e.g. editing a file) that I could utilize,
in order to configure my TTN Gateway with its own static IP address, subnet mask, internet gateway etc ?


Hello everyone.

10 days ago my gateway was last seen online. So I tried a restart today, but it seems that it is in a boot loop.
Led1: on
Led2: on
Led3: blink slow -> then off -> Then all Leds off -> reboot

Please see video here:

Would be glad to get some guidance what to check next.


It seems to work now. The Radio module was not perfectly mounted

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Time for a status update. My gateway lasts no more than an hour at most up and running. Then goes into endless reboot.
r1-7167873a (2017-06-02T13:48:18Z)
v1.0.2-475aef56 (2018-03-15T09:35:00Z)

What is being done and when will this be fixed? There seems to have been a real drop off in communications over the last month, after the flurry of activity earlier this year.

Simple questions:

  1. Has TTN gateway been officially or unofficially dropped?
  2. Has support been dropped?
  3. Should I throw this device away or is there any possibility of a refund or fix?



The gateway here has been up and stable since the last update to firmware 1.0.4, 3 weeks ago.

r1-7167873a (2017-06-02T13:48:18Z)
v1.0.4-a7beae91 (2018-05-02T11:06:21Z)

@smbunn noticed you have firmware 1.0.2. That did not work for me either.
Maybe update to 1.0.4 using SD card.

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V1.0.2 is the last official stable release. v1.0.4 is beta. I have used both and had more stability with 1.0.2 but may try the latest version again.

Unfortunately with all three versions of the firmware my gateway doesn’t start receiving and sending messages but gets in a reboot loop. I’ve tried to reinsert the radio module as much as possible because it is glued to the mainboard with a spacer.

Version 1.0.4 (develop release) once the following log file entries appear it reboots. Most of the times this happens when it is connecting via HTTPS like:

[2018-06-05 01:38:06] HTTPS: Connection Opened: Starting TLS Negotiation
[2018-06-05 01:38:06] HTTP: Wait for TLS Connect
[2018-06-05 01:38:06] HTTP: TLS Connection Opened: Starting Clear Text Communication
[2018-06-05 01:38:06] HTTP: Got 1290 bytes
[2018-06-05 01:38:08] HTTP: Connection Closed
[2018-06-05 01:38:08] HTTP: Close active socket 1
[2018-06-05 01:38:08] CONF: Parsing response token: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[2018-06-05 01:38:08] CONF: ROUTER URL: mqtts://
[2018-06-05 01:38:08]
[2018-06-05 01:38:08] CNFG: Load online user config state change to 6
[2018-06-05 01:38:10] FREQ: APP_URL_Buffer:
[2018-06-05 01:38:10] HTTP: Starting connection
[2018-06-05 01:38:10] HTTPS: Connection Opened: Starting TLS Negotiation
[2018-06-05 01:38:10] HTTP: Wait for TLS Connect
[2018-06-05 01:38:11] HTTP: TLS Connection Opened: Starting Clear Text Communication
[2018-06-05 01:38:11] HTTP: Got 1232 bytes
[2018-06-05 01:38:13] HTTP: Connection Closed
[2018-06-05 01:38:13] HTTP: Close active socket 1
[2018-06-05 01:42:38] SNTP: State change from 0 to 0
[2018-06-05 01:42:38] SNTP: State change from 0 to 0

Version 1.0.3 (master release) gives initially many timeout messages LORA: UART TIMEOUT. It doesn’t reboot however it does SNTP state change approx. every 10 minutes like

[2018-06-06 09:16:41] MON: SYS Stack size: 2831
[2018-06-06 09:16:41] MON: heap usage: 151KB (233KB), free: 188KB
[2018-06-06 09:16:43] SNTP: State change from 7 to 1
[2018-06-06 09:16:44] SNTP: State change from 1 to 2
[2018-06-06 09:16:46] SNTP: State change from 2 to 3
[2018-06-06 09:16:47] SNTP: State change from 3 to 4
[2018-06-06 09:16:48] SNTP: State change from 4 to 5
[2018-06-06 09:16:48] SNTP: State change from 5 to 6
[2018-06-06 09:16:48] SNTP: State change from 6 to 7
[2018-06-06 09:16:50] MON: SYS Stack size: 2831
[2018-06-06 09:16:50] MON: heap usage: 151KB (233KB), free: 188KB
[2018-06-06 09:17:00] MON: SYS Stack size: 2831
[2018-06-06 09:17:00] MON: heap usage: 151KB (233KB), free: 188KB
[2018-06-06 09:17:10] MON: SYS Stack size: 2831

Version 1.0.2 (stable release) reboots more faster after it tries to configure LORA module

[2018-06-06 10:15:41] LORA: Changing state from 2 to 4
[2018-06-06 10:15:41] LORA: Starting reconfiguration
[2018-06-06 10:15:49] SNTP: State change from 0 to 0
[2018-06-06 10:15:49] SNTP: State change from 0 to 0

Maybe upgrading the bootloader with the Microchip programmer would help?

For the sake of the forum’s search, this was a new one for me, during a boot in version 1.0.3 with the factory bootloader:

CNFG: Load online user config state change to 4
HTTP: Close active socket 0

CNFG: Downloading gateway configuration failed

CNFG: Load online user config state change to 8

CNFG: Communication ERROR

…after which it basically stopped its boot and left the thing non-operational until pressing the Mode button. (Which I did after 16 hours; too bad I did not wait to see if it would still reboot for its daily firmware upgrade.)

Details in

Is there any communication being done by TTN on this?
Are there also people with working gateways? If so i’d say present them as a warranty back to TTN?

(I’m also an owner of a non functioning TTN gateway)

sure … you live around the corner, did you contact TTN ?

Hi @BoRRoZ I personally can’t keep up with the multiple issues in the threads (assuming I’m looking at the right thread in the first place) so I’m wondering what you meant by “did you contact TTN?” If I can contact TTN outside the forums and subscribe to some progress update, like we had before the kickstarter was delivered, then that’d help a lot. Six months on and I’m still reading about reseating daughtercards and reboot loops, so I have to put it back in the box and keep deploying Multitech conduits until someone finds a fix for more than one device at a time.


Hi Ben,

no this is the ‘official’ channel where updates ect are announced.
I said this especially to @admiral99 ‘did you contact…’ because he lives around the corner and then its easier to get in touch … probably.

but maybe I shouldn’t said that …I was thinking aloud … I don’t know more then you regarding the dev of new software and the status.

I know that you won’t see/hear the people with a 100% working GW in this topic off course.