TTGO T-Beam topic

It appears that both Arduino and LoRaWAN are rather new to you.
This means that you will have to start with the very basics and do some serious reading and watch some online tutorials.
You will have to learn how to walk first before learning how to run. In this context programming Arduino with LoRaWAN, LMIC and a board with a power management chip can be compared with running.

Reading and trying to understand will help your learning process. As said before you will have to do your own homework, which is something different than asking after each next step “it (still) doesn’t work, know what?”.

I am surprised by your “… pin mapping … I don’t know how and where to do that”.

“pin mapping” can be found in the example source code, MCCI LMIC documentation and in relevant topics on this forum.

“pin mapping” can be found literally in the ttn-abp.ino and ttn-otaa.ino examples.
The Big ESP32 + SX127x topic part 3 topic contains a ton of useful information, pin mappings included.

If you don’t properly apply instructions then expect to run into even more problems. For instance, if you don’t properly configure regional settings for your region then connecting to the TTN network is not going to work (configuring regional settings is described in the MCCI LMIC documentation).

We are here to help you with specific/targeted questions. The more specific a question (and provided with sufficient detailed information) the better others can help answer your questions.
(But your homework you will have to do yourself.)

For TTGO T-Beam V1.1 the same LMIC pin mappings can be used as those for TTGO LoRa32 V2.1.6:

Source: Big ESP32 + SX127x topic part 3

//For TTGO LoRa32 V2.1.6 and TTGO T-Beam versions V0.x, V1.0 and V1.1:

const lmic_pinmap lmic_pins = {
    .nss = 18, 
    .rxtx = LMIC_UNUSED_PIN,
    .rst = 23,
    .dio = {/*dio0*/ 26, /*dio1*/ 33, /*dio2*/ 32} 

For the basics you don’t need to care about this (no need to configure anything specific). In fact that documentation section does not even provide instructions for related software configuration items.
FYI: above is unrelated to the power management chip on T-Beam V1.x boards.

The most important things for getting the basic LMIC ttn-*.ino examples to run are:

  • Properly setup the Arduino IDE (or PlatformIO for more advanced users) with ESP32 support.
  • Select the correct board in the IDE.
  • Install the MCCI LMIC library.
  • Use the ttn-abp.ino and ttn-otaa.ino examples included with above library.
  • Add a device (and application) in the TTN console.
  • Add the device’s LoRaWAN keys and ID’s to the example source code (in correct lsb/msb format).
  • Configure the correct LMIC pin mappings for your board in the code.
  • Configure the correct regional settings for your region.
  • Add anything board specific if required for your board (like the power management chip initialization code required for T-Beam versions 1.x).
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