TTGO T-Beam topic

Great news, thanks for reporting.

As a side not I think there is a confusion on the versions : “rev1” I think is not the same as “version 1.0” - the actual last one.

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By the look of the lilygo website there’s only the two versions. I’ve seen a few places refer to them as Rev1 boards and others and on the lilygo website it’s referred to as V1.0 and V0.7 for the older one without the AXP202X

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There at least also has been T-Beam V0.5.
(And speaking from experiences with TTGO LoRa32 they did/do not always provide correct/up-to-date information.)

To prevent any further confusion always use the exact version number as marked on the PCB.

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And there have been a first version with no version marked on the pcb which I used to refer as “rev0”.

See pictures in my previous post here post 213

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If anyone is using these boards as a TTN Mapper node, please check the pull request I’ve made here:

I’ve seen lots of code store the frame counter in the RTC and then fail to use the right bit width, thus creating a rollover after 255 frames. You can turn off the counter in TTN of course but this fixes it correctly…


I’ve ported the T-Beam TTN Mapper node sketch on Arduino STM32 Core and now it runs with most recent TTGO T-Motion board as well:

Details are in this STM32 thread:


Great! Could you share value of power consumption in active/sleep mode?

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Hi All,

I just created a fork from Pycom MicroPython version for the T-Beam v1. It’s available here:

I pushed a pull request for Pycom to see if they accept it.

It’s possible that the same firmware can also work on other TTGO boards.

Pay attention to the PINs, use the Pycom schematics as reference.


Given the “sigfox” in that URL: does this support LoRaWAN?

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Yes, that is just the name Pycomm uses for their repository (which cloned repositories inherit). Confusing…


HELLO EVERYONE, I M USING TTGO T BEAM LORAWAN FOR MY FYP PROJECT I.E TRAIN TRACKING AND MONITORING SYSTEM, I am trying for designing collision avoidance system, how two modules start sharing data if minimum distance between them is about 5kms, kindly help out me, plz send me demo code of it, if any one have???
i will be very thankfull to him/her.

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Does anyone have a example sketch to read GPS coordinates using TTGO T-Beam v1.0 ESP32 with GPS NEO-6M?

thank you

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Hi there, I’ve been trying to get my ttgo t-beam v0.7 node working (two button model) but after several attempts and sketches the TTN console still shows as ‘unseen’.

I have starting with the ttn-abp.ino sketch from the arduino-lmic example to get a “Hello World” message

  • Added my NWKSKEY, APPSKEY and DEVADDR from the TTN Console

  • Updated the Pin Mapping in the sketch which I believe corresponds to the T-BEAM v0.7


  • Changed the IBM_LMIC_framework\src\lmic\Config.h - uncommented us915 1 (I’m in Australia)

//#define CFG_eu868 1
#define CFG_us915 1

  • Completed the steps posted by Zodiac here
  • For the Physical setup on the TTGO, I have cable connecting LORA1 to Pin33.

The sketch compiles, and boot and after a while the GPS lit is blinking (GPS lock) and the Blue led is solid-on. Serial monitor when connected shows messages are sent.

There is no gateways near me, so I wardrive through an area that has a lot TTN gateways according to the TTN Map, with the hope of my message going out.

Any suggestions on what I’m missing?

Should there be a payload I need to enter in the console for the "hello world’ message?

Thanks in Advance.

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First if you have a v0.7 you don’t need to add a wire to connect lora1 to pin33 - it is only needed on the very first version of the T-Beam which didn’t have a version number printed on the PCB, see my pictures in TTGO T-Beam

I don’t think it will be a problem, just not needed.

Can you have a look at the debug output of the T-Beam on the serial port ? You can use the arduino IDE “serial monitor” for that.

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Here is the output from the Serial Monitor once the sketch is uploaded


My T-Beam is this one

Considering there was no change i’ve switched over to the MCCI_LoRaWAN_LMIC_library library and remove the IBM LMIC one to avoid conflicts. this library has a specific lorabase_au915.h file. So i’ve updated lmic_project_config.h as per the below.

// Make sure only one of the following is defined (CFG_us915 or CFG_eu868)
#define CFG_au915 1
//#define CFG_eu868 1
//#define CFG_us915 1
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Did you also check that the code does a LMIC_selectSubBand(1); ? There have also been reports of some of the LMIC variants not respecting this but last time I used it I think it was fine… YMMV.

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I’ve changed the LMIC libiary to use v3.1.0 of GitHub - mcci-catena/arduino-lmic: LoraWAN-MAC-in-C library, adapted to run under the Arduino environment as it has mentioned explicit support for au915, so my lmic_project_config.h now looks like this

// project-specific definitions
//#define CFG_eu868 1
//#define CFG_us915 1
#define CFG_au915 1
//#define CFG_as923 1
// #define LMIC_COUNTRY_CODE LMIC_COUNTRY_CODE_JP /* for as923-JP */
//#define CFG_kr920 1
//#define CFG_in866 1
#define CFG_sx1276_radio 1

The ttn-abp.ino example has been updated so, I started with a new example file and added my NWKSKEY, APPSKEY and DEVADDR and change the pin mapping as per the above. Compiles OK, and serial monitor shows the below EV-TXSTART and packet queued. (note: I’m not in range of a gateway). The message only appeared once.

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That picture does not identify the version of your board.
It could be V0.5, V0.6, V0.7 or even another 0.x version.

There should be a version number with date somewhere on the PCB similar to:


The T22 indicates T-Beam, the V05 indicates version 0.5.

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Thanks. Yes I found its a


Based on the above, are my pin mappings correct?


Another unsuccessful wardrive today, TTN console still shows ‘unseen’

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Continuing the discussion from TTGO T-Beam:


I got my TTGO beam TTN tracker working - kind of. On a bright day it gets a GPS fix for a few hours and dies afterwards. On a rainy day, no way.

DeuxVis suggested replacing the GPS antenna. Anyone experience with this issue? What antenna should I try?


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