GW #33 now registered and online with TTN A few weeks later than planned, after show & tell at TTN-UK Conf, and spending time exploring the user interface and with distractions for other projects.
Plan is to take with me to use in the Cambridge area as a pop-up GW alongside the TTN Cambridge official launch event tomorrow ( TTN Cambridge, UK )…not sure where yet - likely to the north side where I did some trialing 1.5-3 years ago, and where there are few GW’s currently. Over following weeks it will then go to known test/eval sites in N.West then on to N.East before settling to long term test site in the North of England before Xmas ( )
Initial impressions - a comprehensive user interface, quick to set up (though not quite as fast as the Laird RG186 or the TTIG - but they has fewer user interface options or settings to deal with - but faster than usual RPi based builds & deployments), somewhat similar experience to setting up my original Multitech MTCAP AEP, though most recent version set up got interupted part way though and may be bricked ( ) so will need to look at that one when more time allows to time and judge correctly.
A bit more expensive than the TTIG, but looks very stable in initial tests, has source available and importantly isnt ‘just’ WiFi enabled - the Enet port is worth an extra bit of my beer token stash!
2 main downsides so far are the rigid 90deg ant, which limits deployment orientation (easily swapped out), and more importantly to me legacy only packet forwarder when on external network vs abilty to run Jac’s MP-Forwarder, with ability to give useful name vs usual EUI char string