The WORKBENCH part 3

I’m sure I knock on your virtual door for more info one day :wink:

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quick question.

Home Assistant, can you trigger an audio alarm (when for example a door is opend) - play a certain sound file ?

I don’t know much about Home Assistant, I mainly did some tests to see how well it integrates with TTN and that worked well.

My plan is to add alarms when node batteries come under a treshold, but that is still on the (long) todo list…

But yes, you can trigger alarms – see alert module.
You will need to set-up a notifier as well to carry the alert (Telegram, Fb messenger, … whatever you are using)

do we need TTN integration to talk to the IKEA furniture :rofl:


yes you can

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Installed mine 9 months ago. Closing in!



Could you try Atmel AVR ISP V2 as programmer it use STK500 V2

Hi Charles,

yes I did try that (with and without GUI)
here the output connected to an arduino uno


I can’t read your picture :wink:

Tried with this (received yesterday)

Works also

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this subject is closed now.
I can’t follow up

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Clicking the picture will not enlarge it (due to a long outstanding issue on the forum).
As workaround you can right-click on the picture and then select ‘open image in new tab’.
(The menu item may be called slightly different in your browser.)

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Thanks, I wasn’t aware of this one :wink:

Hi, I would like to get something on my workbench but I cannot find it…

I have disassembled this 1.5M Mini Digital Thermometer Hygrometer Temperature Humidity Moisture Sensor Meter Thermal Temperature Tester Detector Monitor to figure out what cheap analog sensors it uses; I have tested the unit and they are quite accurate (comparable to a digital I2C BME280 for temperature and humidity). The main chip behind the LCD is potted :frowning:

I plan to use these small cheap sensors outdoors (in a very small enclosure) with long wires between the MCU and the sensors and read them out using a simple ADC; and replace the cheap sensors every couple of months or so because the things will start to rust. The temperature sensor is an NTC thermistor (probably 10K @ 25*C) and they can be bought everywhere for 2 Eurocents/piece.

The tiny white PCB with black traces is probably the humidity/moisture sensor but I cannot find that product on Banggood or Aliexpress or RS Electronics.
=> Do you know what product it is (has a datasheet I hope) and where to buy it (just that PCB)? It will probably cost less than 25 Eurocents.





no way!!! they haven’t added eMMC yet ??? :sleepy:

I’m tired to either mounting partitions in flash memory or to simply set the sd-card in readonly in order
to avoid yearly sd-card corruption :confused:

They had planned to name a version after the Pi 3 to the number of Pi, but they never finished it.

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I’m hoping that the exta memory options together with a planned future firmware update to suport Netboot will help ween us of unreliable uSD :wink:

Presumably the Pi foundation are aware of the shortcomings of uSD so there must be some compelling reason not to provide a more reliable alternative.

You might find this interesting. Fact Netboot & NFS not yet on Pi4 meant small cluster still reliant on uSD…and yes looks like they acknowledge the problem…guess all down to cost…& SOC choice/peripheral integration.

Missed opportunity (again).

At least a SSD drive can now be connected via USB 3.0 to SATA adapter instead of USB 2.0.

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