The WORKBENCH part 3

Have recently been developing/playing with the RAK 5205 WisTrio Tracker Boards (SMA version per the ‘Nuts’ above and lately with the uFl/iPx connector version for smaller nodes).

The iPx version comes with GPS & LoRa Patch ant that I was interested to test and for v.small nodes:

But what to house it in?..enter an old failed Low Voltage Lighting Xfromer that looked about the right size:
Mount the LoRa patch and GPS Lozenge in lid:
Follow with the PCB & a 1200mAh battery (a bit big but what I had in stock…)
And finally a bit of white PCV tape to temporarily close the box…not too bad:
Well maybe not too good…the battery too big on top of the RAK5205’s 96Boards connector :frowning:image
So a couple of hours after modding a design & firing up the 3D Printer…this one :slight_smile:
…actually the internal pillars made it 1-2mm too tight so spun the design this evening to slacken slightly…tomorrow I assemble & test to see how the PLA affects any RF signals etc. As basically a sealed box the temp/hum monitoring will be no good due to self heating but this one is intended as an animal/asset tracker only.

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