The WORKBENCH part 1


I’m a ‘fanboy’ but 50 pcs… :thinking:

…and then the shipping then adds ~50% ! :frowning:

still less then 10 E for an outdoor 6 dbi incl. shipping … So what do we do with the other 49 :rofl:

Agree its a good price either way - just hurts when shipping (zero value add?) is big portion of device costs (direct value to the user)…

…scope for a local/multi-community group purchase? Has anyone tried this ant and tested/validated (gain, tuning, vswr) ?

These sellers always provide samples to serious buyers (or pseudo-serious)

2,Q:how can i get the sample ?
A: if you need sample to test ,please pay for the shipping cost ,there we can free for two samples to you

But nothing is free of course, you’ll pay it on the shipping cost.

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I’m not serious at all… but would love to test for free :wink:

Oh man… this is no temperature we are used too in NL … I didn’t believe the sensorsx944 but… its true … in the shade !

96 Degrees In The Shade (Live at Reggae On The River)



So today I received a relative big packet containing
2 pcs ’ Batting switch head ’ value 50 U$ … huh ? :thinking:

after opening I found these 2 little adapterplugs for the Chinese microscopes.

So I think I was very lucky that I didn’t had to pay taxes and customsdeclaration ect. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You sure they are not WWII era crystals ?

LOL… that would explain the value :sunglasses:

They could be surplus, (alledgadly) us brits turned up with the wrong ones just down the road.

Meanwhile in Belgium…


Jack Ma, the Alibaba boss in a visit in Belgium today said he wants 72 hours delivery with a hub in Belgium.
Hope he is not relying on our national post service…

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bought this one for the mobile gateway build. - €10,58 incl. shipping
Solar charge / 3 x 18650 / Battery + Charging Indicators / balancer / overcharge + overdischarge protection

here’s a little more explanation :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

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Sun is shining quick and dirty spare parts build :sunglasses:





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Have a nice lunch! :grinning:


this is serious business … making a thermo lunchbox profile :sunglasses:


Put a temp sensor inside and log profile then you can alarm when your prawn or chicken sandwich inside has spoilt or when your bottle of beer too hot for consumption! :wink:

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Of course, and the black solar panel will surely help generate some thermal profile. :sunglasses:

He can get a LoRa notification when his hot ham and cheese sandwich is ready. :wink:

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I did… how did you know my lorawan use case :sunglasses:


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@bluejedi … that would make a nice small 1.54 e paper mqqt ttn client :wink:

