The WORKBENCH part 1

Is there a boost converter on the node or how can you power it with only 1.5V?

yes there is… works between 1.2 and 3 v


my first RAK LoRa module arrived … very curious to compare it with the RN2483



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Managed to adapt the sleep code to work on the Badger board too, my DROK usb device wont tell me the uA but its less than 1mA in sleep


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It’s 200 uA measured with a Fluke meter in sleep mode, matches the NAS specification exactly.



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Care to share that on, e.g., Getting Badgerboard to work with TTN? (Though I wonder if people still buy that, given the high price and lousy support…)

Yep will do, its nothing special - borrowed code etc



which LoRa module to use for the BRZ TTN stick ? maybe a future PCB that accepts both ? :sunglasses:

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probably eth0maz could create one?

I’m sure he can :wink: , but I’m not finished… it’s half of my idea, the other half is a backplate with LION battery / charger/ I2C Grove hub /dcdc converter.
So you can use the stick in your PC and connect a grove sensor to write code and If you slide it in the backplane, it can operate on rechargeable battery power, so it has dual functionality.

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lesson learnt, a GROVE connector is not the same as a JST :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
excellent assortiment from KIWI NL… next day delivery
so… that’s fixed :slight_smile:


cayenne temp widget suggestion :sunglasses:

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What are the Settings of your Temperature widget?
It is not a standard “Gauge” widget, is it?

Cayenne asked for ideas … I thought this was a nice enhancement for the basic ‘gauge’
Maybe even setting trigger or visualize triggers that way
If Cayenne takes care of the HIGH/AVG/LOW it saves some node energy :smirk:

I see. It is an improvement idea.
date+time of the last data update on all widgets would be very useful.

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they really would like to hear from users what they want

If you do make an average then maybe an automatic 30 day average for example.

testing external interrupts ’ TTN’ stick here with a little PIR

encountered a problem using the beetle 32U4, not all available pins are suited for external interrupts.

Solution that seems to work = the Enableinterupt library

There they are :slight_smile:


PIR LoRaLarm TTN dev stick :sunglasses:

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