The Things Industries The Things UNO

strange… I tested it just now and it works.


  • update

check this ?

Did you ever resolve this issue? I have exactly the same problem using a Things Node but I also have their gateway that shows a Join Accepted message being generated and sent but apparently never being received at the Node. Same error messages in the Serializer as yours…

What is the distance between node and gateway? Keep them at least 3 meters apart.

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They’re on separate sides of my house but I’ve also tried from outside since it’s nice and compact but with the same results.

I recently purchased a TTN indoor gateway, a TTN outdoor gateway, 2 TTN NODE’s and 2 TTN UNO’s.
after a bit of a learning curve I have both gateways working and both TTN NODE’s are reporting. Both NODE’s worked out of the box to TTN mapping, and then worked fine when I changed the sketch to what I needed.
But neither of the TTN UNO’s even show up on my windows 10 computer. I have tried 2 different laptops and desktops, different cables; and still the same issue. Error 43 on windows USB device. I do have it set to Arduino Leonardo board and the TTN libraries loaded. I’ve tried uninstalling the usb driver and re-installing. I can connect with same cables to the NODE units, but not the UNO units. I even tried 2 different brands of ICSP USB cables instead of the normal micro-usb cable.
Thanks in advance for all hints, directions… jedi tricks are welcome. I’m stumped.

I already had ‘verbose output during upload’ checked. I can’t even get to upload sketch as the UNO board does not show up as valid usb serial port.

I checked the library and i currently have The Things Network Arduino Library version 2.5.16 installed.

So that doesn’t seem to be the issue. When i reboot Arduino IDE and remove USB cable and insert again i get windows msg ‘setting up Arduino Leonardo’, then msg of ‘unrecognized usb device’, this usb device malfunctioned.

I plug in either of the new NODE units with same cable and they are fine. I plug in either of the new UNO units and this same error. Could I possibly have gotten 2 bad boards?

From the symptoms that is not unlikely. The boards might be missing the bootloader software or have a hardware issue. Time to contact your supplier and ask them how to proceed.

How can I get the Things UNO board in India?

i finally had some time this past weekend to try this again.
After reading i decided to try burning the bootloader option via the ICSP programmer even though my windows10 says it is not recognized on the COM port. IT WORKED. Lights blinked, AVR Dude said verified. I then unplugged the ICSP programmer, restarted Arduino IDE, plugged in the TTN UNO via micro USB cord and it recognized and could run the TTN examples code.
Now for some more testing and sensors and burn the bootloader on the 2nd UNO i bought.

The TTN quick startup page SHOULD have a note about using an ICSP programmer and burning the bootloader if the unit does not recognize out of the box. This would have saved me hours. I know i am a newbie at Arduino and related TTN programming, but the TTN pitch seems to be at tinkerers and is what convinced me to try these. I did not have to burn the bootloader on the 2 NODE units i purchased.

The nodes should have had the right firmware as well. I can’t recall having heard of anyone needing to program the bootloader into a new device.

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I agree with @kersing that the Uno should have arrived with a bootloader pre-burned into it. If this is not the case you better tell the supplier so that they an fix the issue on their side.

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10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coverage for Cragg Vale

A post was merged into an existing topic: Coverage for Cragg Vale

Did a walk test today to see what the range was with my 2 gateways: very good results. However, i noticed that when the Uno couldn’t reach either gateway for about 10-15 minutes it powered off. The sketch was the “send 1 byte every 10 seconds” one. The power supply was a 20,000mAh powerbank. Pressing the reset button failed to revive it, so i can only assume it had actually powered off. Anyone else had this problem?

Was it the power bank shutting down ?

A lot of them will do that when the current being used drops below a certain level for a particular time.


How would it know its transmissions were not received?

Good point! I know that Uno draws very little current so the powerbank may just be showing its normal behaviour under these conditions. I’ll need to do more testing, perhaps using the barrel connector.

I was viewing the TTN console on my phone, and also had the TTN Mapper app running at the same time. I can’t carry my laptop around the streets, unfortunately :grin: I could see from the counter field on the console that it was dropping transmissions when it was out of range.

As per a previous question, how would the Things UNO ‘know’ that it was out of range ?