The LIBRARY basement part 9

Microchip Security : Cryptography Primer - Part 1 - Why security today?
Microchip Security : Cryptography Primer - Part 2 - Authentication, Integrity & Confidentiality
Microchip Security : Cryptography Primer - Part 3 - Hashing and Symmetric Cryptography
Microchip Security : Cryptography Primer - Part 4 - Asymmetric Cryptography
Microchip Security : Cryptography Primer - Part 5 - Chain of Trust

Murata antenna module uses optimised beamforming

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LORIOT network ranger

Gemalto Shareholders Accept Thales’ Acquisition Offer

Pi-Powered TV Recording System

Reverse-Engineering an IP camera

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more resources:

*Peter Matthews, my favorite powerwall builder from Australia and one of the fathers of this movement:

*Jehu García, another great collaborator with great content about 18650 batteries management:

*Average Joe, a normal guy who got started in this project and uploads cool videos of his journey on building his DIY powerwall:

*Official DIY Powerwalls forum

*Official Facebook group for DIY Powerwalls, lots of helpful people here:

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66 million-year-old deathbed linked to dinosaur-killing meteor

PIC-IoT WG Development Board -Connect Embedded Applications To Google Cloud In Minutes
