Linus Torvalds on Why ARM Won’t Win the Server Space
google city…
don’t let them build your city 's … wake up please
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What we are learning about learning
If anyone who missed the Etteplan hosted Johan Stokking/Jan Jongboom presentation on LoRa/TTN/MBed still wants to catch up they can watch here:-
Hackaday Supercon - Ruth Grace Wong : Firmware From the Firehose
'Firmware and software are both just code, right? How different could the code that runs Internet-scale distributed web stuff be from the code that runs a tiny microcontroller brain inside a personal hydroponics device? Night and day!
The Big Brother EU internetfilter is here
Haxiot and the TS-7553-V2
GM’s new electric bikes
SAR and OTA: Testing IoT Device Signals and Radiation
Polar Platform Spins Out Intricate String Art Portraits