Yes, I did with the –reset-pin option!
You much seen much packet traffic? wondering if your getting many ‘invalid CRC’ packets
From a clean power on I haven’t needed the reset option here, good to know mind
Well, the Packet-Forwarder would’nt start without the reset option…
I do not get many CRC errors.
My RAK831/RPi gateway is up and running. The software on the RPi is Jessie and I’m using the “packet-forwarder” from the TTN github.
My observation is that the RAK831 gets “warm” (I would not say “hot” but still…"). They are together in a plastic enclosure and I’m wondering: How can I use the RPi CPU temperature to be send to TTN “as if it where a node”? Is that possible at all? (you did mention somewhere in this post that you do monitor the CPU…).
I do know how to get the CPU core temperature:
/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp
Just not how to send it to TTN (as I’m connected to TTN I assume that I don’t need to transmit it “over the air”). Just inject it to the internet…
Is what I want at-all possible? If so, can you (or someone else) give me a code example?
Well… after a day running without a problem, the gateway stopped… Restarting it does not get it back in the air.
# systemctl status ttn-pkt-fwd -l
● ttn-pkt-fwd.service - TTN Packet Forwarder Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ttn-pkt-fwd.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-08-30 15:14:58 CEST; 1s ago
Main PID: 1124 (packet-forwarde)
CGroup: /system.slice/ttn-pkt-fwd.service
└─1124 /usr/local/bin/packet-forwarder start --config=/etc/packet-forwarder/ttn-pkt-fwd.yml --reset-pin 25
Aug 30 15:14:58 LoRaGateway systemd[1]: Started TTN Packet Forwarder Service.
Aug 30 15:14:58 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[1124]: INFO Packet Forwarder for LoRa Gateway HALVersionInfo=Version: 4.0.0; Options: native;
Aug 30 15:14:58 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[1124]: INFO Reset pin specified, resetting concentrator... ResetPin=25
Aug 30 15:14:59 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[1124]: INFO Found gateway parameters, getting frequency plans
AuthServer= GatewayID=aandewiel
Aug 30 15:14:59 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[1124]: INFO Refreshed account server information TokenExpiry=2017-12-01 15:14:59.548627995 +0100 CET
Aug 30 15:14:59 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[1124]: INFO Connecting to TTN discovery server
Multiple invocations of systemctl status ttn-pkt-fwd …
# systemctl status ttn-pkt-fwd -l
● ttn-pkt-fwd.service - TTN Packet Forwarder Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ttn-pkt-fwd.service; enabled)
Active: activating (auto-restart) since Wed 2017-08-30 15:26:23 CEST; 8s ago
Process: 866 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/packet-forwarder start --config=/etc/packet-forwarder/ttn-pkt-fwd.yml --reset-pin 25 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 866 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured Freq=0 Lora multi-SF channel=5 RFChain=0
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured Freq=200000 Lora multi-SF channel=6 RFChain=0
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: INFO LoRa multi-SF channel configured Freq=400000 Lora multi-SF channel=7 RFChain=0
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: INFO LoRa standard channel configured
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: INFO FSK channel configured
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: WARN No GPS chip configured, ignoring
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: INFO Starting concentrator... DateTime=2017-08-30 15:26:23.227542111 +0200 CEST
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: ERROR The program ended following a failure error=Failed to start concentrator
Aug 30 15:26:23 LoRaGateway packet-forwarder[866]: ERROR The program ended following a failure error=Failed to start concentrator
It’s a pitty … now what?
Should I connect PIN 13 of the RAK831 to the Reset pin (19) as well?
From the datasheet:
does it still run fine from the command line? (not systemd)
on side pints
- running here 24hrs plus on a test bench and stable, its happy to halt and restart from command line
- its warm but nothing more, and no warmer than the Rasp PI 3 but neither are under much load
check your wiring (avoid using ‘dupont’ wires if possible)
Temperature information sent to TTN is not accessible in the console at the moment. So you need some other software to monitor the CPU temperature.
what power supply are you using?
also have you tried turning on SPI logging?
version of Semtech HAL is installed? just seen your on 4.0
does forwarder work from command line?
what power supply are you using?
I have a 2Amp USB power supply (not a crappy one, but quit solid).
also have you tried turning on SPI logging?
No, how do I do that?
version of Semtech HAL is installed? just seen your on 4.0
I have installed TheThingsNetwork packed-forwarder. I did not install anything else… should I?
does forwarder work from command line?
Just tried that, but no. It does not.
I also systemctl disable ttn-pkt-fwd.service and restarted before trying to start from the command line…
Strange thing is: it worked for a day. Nothing changed. Yesterday I restarted the RPi several times and al the time the packet-forwarder started without a problem
check out this thread
Thanks for the help. I do appreciate it.
Read the post. It covers a ic880a while I have a RAK831…
- I measured the voltage on the RAK831 with a scoop. Solid 5volt
- wrote a c-program to toggle the reset pin (pin 22, GPIO15). Checked it with a scope. Works like a charm
- when I start the packet-forwarder I see a short Low-High-Low on the reset pin at the RAK831 (pin 19)
- changed power supply… no change…
- the most frustrating part: it worked (for a while )
====== EDIT ======== PROBLEM SOLVED ======
In the thread you mention it say’s to “wickle” the boards.
I did that and suddenly the packet-forwarder worked again.
After further investigation I found out that the 40-pin header had, at least, one bad contact.
After replacing it with an other 40-pin header everything now seems to function again!!
“aandewiel” is back in the air.
Thank you al for al the help, suggestions and patience !
Both use SPI on an RPi and the same LoRaWAN chipset, so the same issues will occur.
Prob not related to anything but had power supply issues with my RAK rig, Raspberry PI red power led flickering and going off even though the whole setup was still running (lots of forums talking about PI doing this with poor voltage supply) - sending back the ‘2.5amp’ power adaptor and PI - replacements ordered and a 3amp power supply - its all probably nothing to do with the RAK load mind.
had my share of RPI power problems to
situation : 2 the same 3A adapters, 1 showing the yellow thunder on screen.
seems that the ‘original’ RPI power adapters output 5.1 v and the china ones max 5 v
‘yellow thunder’ - is that the lightening strikes on the screen? that explain those (I did wonder what that was) - this all adds up now, new kit comes tomorrow so we will see
Does RAK831 support LBT mode?
I’ve found that, more than the power supply, it’s the cord that make RPi-based installation fails. Most of the time they’re only rated for USB, i.e. 5V +/- 10% @ 500mA. If you draw 2.5A you may have only have 2.5V at the end of the cord…
That, and the USB connectors are only rated for 500mA in most cases…
Workaround: cut the cord as close to the wall wart as possible, and replace it with sturdier wires. Also, avoid using the USB power connector on the RPi, and plug it right into the 5V pin (note that by doing so you will bypass a polyfuse).
Be careful with RPi and I2C… the silicon can’t handle repeated start nor clock-stretching.
You have to use GPIO pins and some bit-banging-library to get this working on the Pi.
I see Stretch Light has popped up on this thread in a couple of places. Any reasons why I shouldn’t use Stretch Light if I was to bake a couple of SD cards this morning?