No practical experience yet, but I have two nrf51 waiting for me to play with. I have been following this thread where I have learned a lot. Seems like a great chip at a nice price.
The Nordic nRF51822 is on the popular micro:bit ( and a similar project in germany the calliope mini (, so there should be code examples and such to be found.
Sure nordic chips are quite popular, question was rather related to that specific module.
@BoRRoZ I do! I have one for work on my desk right now, and it works great. A client of ours is embedding one on a BLE/IR remote.
You might wait to get a dev kit because you’ll need a SWD probe anyway.
The Nordic SDK is a bit… weird. It’s pretty good, but it gets some getting used to.
How about (I guess fake) Digispark Kickstarter ATTINY85 Arduino IDE compatible boards, no USB-serial converter required for €0.89 each? These are convenient for disposables, garden scares for Halloween maybe? Handy to have like a box of RGB LED’s, you never know when or why one might need these!
100 %
- Sleep Modes on ATTiny85 – Renewable Energy Innovation
- Plant Moisture Monitoring -
- NerdKits - OneWire DS18B20 Temperature Switch on ATtiny85 (Microcontroller Programming)
- Arduino and ATtiny85 projects: RGB-tiny: RGB Led controlled by ATtiny85
- Attiny85 DHT22 Temp/Humidity logger - Everything ESP8266
- Projects from Tech: Serial Communication on a ATtiny85 with the SoftwareSerial Library.
- ATtiny85 Real-Time Audio Pitch Shifter « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
- GitHub - konspyre/TinyMotion: A low power, remote motion sensor. Based on the 8-pin AVR ATTiny85.
I ordered 10 more of these Digispark boards, I am down to my last two. I managed to brick one yesterday flashing a new bootloader. Default has a 5 second pause on boot in case the micronucleus programmer needs to flash a new sketch. Seems the binary I found isn’t the stable version. Windows doesn’t see the hardware now. What a waste of €0.89!!!
Keep up the good work, phenominal amount of info onmthe forum. I have parts ordered for a home made 1/4 wave ground plane antenna. How did testing go? Any other hints?
in the category ’ wtf’ is that ? a lorawan gateway pcb with hdmi output … oh, and its not a bargain
LOL… LoRaWAN gateway as a marketing/SEO gimmick.
Maybe it’ll show up in fridges and vacuum cleaners soon.
Isn’t this just what everyone builds here? A RasPi-ish device with a concentrator board on top. Most hobbyist gateway probably have HDMI out that way too .
US $6.29 incl. shipping
nice lan adapter for Pi zero
US $12.34 incl. shipping - I ordered one to see if it can be used
* and suddenly the price went up to US $14.75