The BARGAIN basement part 2

got it today and after soldering the usual connection DIO1 --> pinX it worked with the LMIC library and the prviously used code for the adafruit feather M0.
the board is 2.54mm wider than the original feather, but it could be a cheap substitute.
attention: the documentation notes the pin wron. look in LoRa.h
and you don’t need to install suggested libryry, because that’s forseen for node to node connection

// Adapted for DIYmall feather clone      DIYLoRa32u4 Doc: ss = 19 , Reset = 9 , DIO0 = 26 (from LoRa.h)
//                                    from Exemple Sender: ss =  8 , Rst   = 4 , DIO0 =  7
const lmic_pinmap lmic_pins = {
    .nss  = 8,                       // chip select on clone (rf95module) see LoRa.h
    .rxtx = LMIC_UNUSED_PIN,         // 
    .rst  = 4,                       // reset pin                               (M0=4)
    .dio  = {7,                      // DIO0 is hardwired to 7
             5,                      // DIO1 is jumpered  to 5
             LMIC_UNUSED_PIN},       // DIO1 is jumpered  to unused
have fun  :slight_smile: