I mean easy to use straightforward library for Atmega328P (for example Arduino Uno, Mini). Tinylora was perfect goal. I have made well tuned fw.
Why to use veeery old and limited Atmega328P? Because can run on 1.8V, rfm95W can run on 1.8V too. Can be used with LiSOCl battery, 2x AA (rechargeable) battery etc. No need to step up, sted down circuit… Low power consumption max 2mA (mcu) working, 5uA sleeping (mcu, transceiver and sensor).
I have not find simillar micro controller that has these features, can be easy programmed and has good avaiability in Czech Republic (or to Czech Republic from Ali etc). Probably the closest mcu is ESP32 underclocked to 10MHz.
I have try LMIC-node | One example to rule them all
Add support for Arduino Uno and I get warning, that used library is deprecated. I don’t exactly known where to add power saving features. I have ended with join loop and high battery drain (poor signal). With good signal example works fine, but fw is close to fill all avaiable resources and maybe I’m not sure if is possible to add BME280 sensor.
You mean this library?
Looks like it is only for 32b mcu’s. I got lost in all the *mic; *cci libraries - all have same name.