I found a tutorial which I must go dig out to share but not at my own PC today, you’ll have to wait.
Essentially when you use a google form you submit field data which Google then appends to a spreadsheet. By hijacking the URL that the Google form populates with the field data and then doing a HTTP GET request, then to Google Drive it looks like a form response coming in so it stores it.
I have a Node-Red function node that contains this code where the input message is the variable I want to store. Wired to it’s output is an empty HTTP GET node which submits this any time a new message payload arrives.
#is where your identifiers will be in the msg.url etc.
Date and timestamp are added as below by Google:
|22/10/2018 06:03:14|Disarmed OK
|22/10/2018 09:38:34|Armed OK
|22/10/2018 10:43:46|Disarmed OK
|22/10/2018 10:56:07|Armed OK
|22/10/2018 14:59:42|Disarmed OK
|22/10/2018 15:23:42|Armed OK
|22/10/2018 16:16:09|Disarmed OK
|23/10/2018 01:29:21|Armed OK
|23/10/2018 06:23:58|Disarmed OK
|23/10/2018 11:18:31|Armed OK
|23/10/2018 16:48:44|Disarmed OK
Garry are you thinking of this SQuix/Eichorn blog post - logging to Google Spreadsheets?
Main problem I believe is it is insecure as stated:-
“One word of warning: the current script is not really save {safe- sic}, anyone knowing the URL can send data to your spread sheet. We could improve it by adding an authentication header (in the currently) empty TTN form field and check it in our App script code.”
You can test this by pasting the edited URL into a browser and submitting, you should get an acknowledgement screen if your link is formatted correctly and you should have populated the target spreadsheet with the text “Data1” in the column with the header “Sensor 1”.
Try it and see how you get on? The data will be stored in your Google Drive on a Google Sheets spreadsheet which will have the same filename as you gave to your form in step 2
hey there,
I am a bit of a rookie in the IOT my self. I have been reading a lot of materials that helped me understand the concept of it but I cant quite figure out how I will be able to deploy it nor find any material that could help me. can you point me in the right direction regarding
if there are any simulation software and tutorials I could practice programming on
if you could help a beginner in any way please
A possible direction would be to start with Arduino. ( 136.000.000 results on google)
starter books (arduino starter sensor book)
If you have a breadboard, some wire / switches / leds and an Arduino and you have installed the arduino software on your computer you can start programming / experimenting.
There are starter kits.
This is not the site for seeking help on starting with arduino/programming and learning some basics.
Later you can connect a specific lorawan module and program this in a way that you can transmit sensor data to the things network or use a wifi connection.
next step would be to do somethimg with that data.
thank you for your quick response , I am not entirely new to Arduino programming. I am interested on the point you put as connecting a specific lorawan module and program this in a way you can transmit sensor data to the things network or use wifi connection.
are there any simulator software that could replace the module , cos I don’t know where I can find those , I leave in Ethiopia.
I don’t know a simulator software that simulates arduino connected to a lora module and simulates also how a network reacts to a received transmission.
If you are familiar with arduino I suggest build yourself a (single channel) gateway and a node
Hi GryKyo and you all, and many thanks for your detailed instructions!
I’m Roberto from Italy and I would like to save back data from Arduino MKR WAN 1300, to a G-spreadsheet for educational porpose, through the TNN platform and HTTP integration.
Therefore, I followed successfully your guidelines and I’m able so far, to submit 2 variable names (AirRH and AirT) through the http-integration and save back them into the google-spreadsheet.
Finally, I was implementing squix78 instructions and script, to get Google Sheets working with the TTN HTTP Integration!
I still have to perform some minor changes to the script, to fit it to my payload, but it works fine.
For educational purposes, it’s good enough
Many thanks for your tips!
That example is a bit outdated (no setup is needed when creating the Apps Script from Google Sheets) and does not inform you about errors. But indeed it should work just fine otherwise.