I have a question regarding the Data Storage Integration of an TTN Application.
I used to have 2 devices registered to my application. After I deleted one
device from my application, the EUI is still listed in the Data Storage Integration when
query “get /api/v2/devices”.
My question is: Is there a way to remove the nonexistent device out of my dataintegration?
unfortunately your statement is true for the payload that was sent by the device. but the device itself doesn’t get deleted. Is this an issue that only I’m facing?
Have you deleted a device from your application and have checked in the dataintegration if the device doesn’t show up anymore when querying “get /api/v2/devices”?
This would help me a lot to see if I’m the only one affected by my described problem.
can you help me please. Maybe you have an idea why the devicenames don’t get removed from the dataintegration after 7 days?
An Answer would help me a lot.
@denis it’s mostly a technical reason. The retention of 7 days is on the data, but we also store the number of stored messages per device per hour and this data has no retention. We don’t display this now, but the idea is that we might show you device activity per hour in the future, with a longer history than 7 days.
Summary: there’s still the device in the database, but not its data, only its number of message per hour.