Received transmissions error

To expand on my colleagues responses above, two hints were given asking about which gateway and which device, answer there was none. It helps us to help you if you give us details.

And if someone isn’t familiar with how a CRC check would cause an error, then there will inevitable be some direction to some reading on the materials provided for LoRaWAN, if only to be informed how that impacts the reception of uplinks. No one accused you of being a noob and you were not advised to explicitly research CRC’s, just avail yourself of the materials on LoRaWAN.

I answered the question and then suggested you RTF-the-core-concepts to save you time asking the same questions we see time & time again on this forum because people mysteriously refuse to read the core concepts. This saves us all time, you especially. This is who I learnt about LW, by reading the docs for TTNv2, LMIC, building a node and searching the forum. I didn’t post for three months, didn’t need to.

There is no planet that asking if you have a particular brand of gateway would help as all of them that use the Packet Forwarder will report the CRC errors every 30 seconds or so.

Again, for reinforcement, you got an answer within the confines of the information you provided and were then advised to read the Learn materials. You were not denied the information, which you appear to imply you were, only that as a matter of routine for anyone asking LW 101 questions, were directed to the Learn materials for your own good so that you are better able to research & resolve issues yourself.

This is how we roll here, we have an expectation that people read the Learn section to understand the basics of LW concepts and that if they have questions they provide more rather than less information. It is also useful if they use known good hardware - gateway & device(s) = to get a simple setup running, as that fills in many of the blanks. And that they search the forum for the keywords for the situation at hand as many many questions are repeated, for instance with only the keyword CRC:

This enables the volunteers to concentrate on the more intricate issues.