Hi All,
Can someone help me ?
I’m trying to communicate between a feather 32u4 LoRa (rfm95 module) and rn2483.
When communicating between two feather (RFM95) with raw LoRa => OK.
When communicating between two RN2483 with raw LoRa => OK
But when communicating between a feather and rn2483 => Fail
I can’t find the solution…All the modules have the same settings (frequency: 868.0 ; cr4/5 ; sf7 ; bw125 ; crc ON). I Have tried with RTL SDR dongle to observe somethink but nothing strange appear… I realy don’t know where to find the problem.
Maybe there is difference in PREAMBLE size or SYNC-WORD but the RH_RFM95 library doesn’t give any function to change it.
Does someone have faced something like that ?
Here the arduino source code of the Feather:
include SPI.h
include RH_RF95.h/* for feather32u4 */
define RFM95_CS 8
define RFM95_RST 4
define RFM95_INT 7
// Change to 434.0 or other frequency, must match RX’s freq!
#define RF95_FREQ 868.0// Singleton instance of the radio driver
RH_RF95 rf95(RFM95_CS, RFM95_INT);void setup()
pinMode(RFM95_RST, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(RFM95_RST, HIGH);while (!Serial);
delay(100);Serial.println(“Feather LoRa TX Test!”);
// manual reset
digitalWrite(RFM95_RST, LOW);
digitalWrite(RFM95_RST, HIGH);
delay(10);while (!rf95.init()) {
Serial.println(“LoRa radio init failed”);
while (1);
Serial.println(“LoRa radio init OK!”);// Defaults after init are 434.0MHz, modulation GFSK_Rb250Fd250, +13dbM
if (!rf95.setFrequency(RF95_FREQ)) {
Serial.println(“setFrequency failed”);
while (1);
Serial.print("Set Freq to: "); Serial.println(RF95_FREQ);// Defaults after init are 434.0MHz, 13dBm, Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC on
// The default transmitter power is 13dBm, using PA_BOOST.
// If you are using RFM95/96/97/98 modules which uses the PA_BOOST transmitter pin, then
// you can set transmitter powers from 5 to 23 dBm:
rf95.setTxPower(23, false);
}int16_t packetnum = 0; // packet counter, we increment per xmission
void loop()
Serial.println(“Sending to rf95_server”);
// Send a message to rf95_serverchar radiopacket[20] = "Hello World # ";
itoa(packetnum++, radiopacket+13, 10);
Serial.print("Sending "); Serial.println(radiopacket);
radiopacket[19] = 0;Serial.println(“Sending…”); delay(10);
rf95.send((uint8_t *)radiopacket, 20);
Serial.println(“Sending Ok”);
For the rn2483, I just send the followings commands:
mac pause
radio set freq 868000000
radio rx 0
Best Regards,