Yap, but for that I need to buy a new one. this is a private lab.
Or return the one you have. Or was it gifted to you? If not, why buy this card?
If you mean this money comes out of your own pocket, welcome to the community, that’s pretty much how it works for many of us. LoRaWAN comes with some base costs that get more expensive if you are starting out with stuff that’s not off-the-shelf. Sort of the reason for our existence is to provide recommendations prior to a purchase. There are many many Pi concentrator cards available that are fully documented & supported.
If you want to start out with a simple gateway that is almost guaranteed to work out the box, then get a TTIG. Guaranteed in terms of having a normal WiFi network.
If you don’t have a device, get an off the shelf sensor - or if you want something configureable then a Dragino LT-22222-L - or if you are confident with C & Arduino, an Adafruit Feather M0 with RFM95 so you can code your own device.
I bought that one because it was a recommendation from a user here. I bought on eBay. How many devices can I connect with TTIG?
Who, what, where - I’ve not seen a posting on this item in a very long time.
Can you return the item?
Exactly the same number as any other LoRaWAN concentrator - potentially thousands - but such a question suggests some learning on the basics is needed - check out the Learn link at the top of the forum page - it has the bare minimum you need to know to get started.
Do you have a device aka node aka sensor+radio - because a gateway is like a microwave - it’s just an appliance - the real action in with the device & what you do with the data.
Here it goes my first post, Starting with Lora
I just have this device , I want to buy 2 humidity sensor and connect to LoRaWAN .my project is try to build a central temperature to control temperature and humidity .,
Ah, I see @kersing was on that thread & Pi based gateways aren’t my thing so I’d have not absorbed the details.
You asked about a concentrator for a Pi, did you see this bit - I’ve put in bold the words I think are most relevant:
It’s almost impossible to describe what skills are needed or for people to figure out if they have what they understand as being described, so it’s hard to say if you have the resources and we just need to help you find the right config, or if you should go with something with more direct support. If I have to do a Pi based gateway I use a RAK module with their installer.
As pin 22 would be the mPCIe connector, it’s likely that the ‘cape’ pin 7 referencing GPIO is most likely to the right one. But as it’s a second hand board, it could be that it is broken or damaged.
But I think as I’m newbie on this subject and my Raspberry is model 2 B+ “old one” I think it’s safer buy a new gateway like a dragino or TTIG. for What I want to do, I just will use 3 Dragino NSE01 NB-IoT Soil Moisture & EC Sensor. As I would like to mount a external antenna, which gateway do you suggest?
What instructions did you use the setup the RPi? Has SPI been enabled?
That is not an LoRaWAN sensor. It is Narrow Band IoT which requires a SIM from an NB-IoT provider.
I’ve used this tutorial, Building a gateway with Raspberry Pi and IC880A | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN ,Yap I enabled SPI.
sorry it’s this model - LSE01 – LoRaWAN Soil Moisture & EC Sensor
I’m not sure that build automatically selects the right concentrator hardware. You need sx1302 and sx1259, not sx1301 and sx1257.
Check SenseCAP M1 Gateway to TTN - #24 by teflon1969 for a potential better how-to.
Why do you want to mount an external antenna? That’s going to either be a more expensive gateway or some DIY extension to an internal gateway or a hot-mess of DIY mods to turn an indoor in to an outdoor - at this stage you may want to keep things as simple as they can be.
If the devices are going to be on the same side of your property, putting a TTIG in the window on that side should suffice. This is assuming you are in a normal build house - not metal framed or clad.
The reality of starting out with LoRaWAN is that you learn it before you use it. By which I mean you get something setup that’s not got a real purpose so you can get to grips with it all and configure it to your requirements before deploying devices & giving the gateway a permanent home. Heading straight to a first deployment means you don’t pick up many of the details with such a direct journey.
As you have discovered, there is a resale market on eBay, so buying a TTIG and using it for six months and then upgrading, if you’ve kept the packaging & documents you should be able to recoup a lot of the original price. The alternative is running the risk of buying things that aren’t right or unsuitable.
Got it , but buy a dragino lps8 or TTIG is the same right?
Similar…LPS8 a bit more expensive, but gives you additional wireline ethernet connection option vs just WiFi, which can be a bit more reliable and one less thing to try and wrangle Some find the LPS8 a bit more ‘open’ than the TTIG for dev/experiment work if thats your thing. Also easier to add an external antenna vs hacking the TTIG…but again that can be fun for some! Only caution if you read across the Forum is some have found a reset/power cycle of LPS8 occasionaly needed for long term reliabliity (firmware version dependent?) but never seen that myself and have used both.
with reset_lgw.sh variables set to:
SX1302_RESET_PIN=4 # SX1302 reset
SX1302_POWER_EN_PIN=17 # SX1302 power enable
SX1261_RESET_PIN=23 # SX1261 reset (LBT / Spectral Scan)
AD5338R_RESET_PIN=13 # AD5338R reset (full-duplex CN490 reference design)
the packet forwarder starts without any issues. (./lora_pkt_fwd -c global_conf.json.sx1250.EU868)
The power enable is important and should result in multiple LEDs on the cape lighting up.
@srjohny you could try those values for the software you are using. Keep in mind the software should use sx1250 for the radio and sx1302 for concentrator.
I used this Tutorial.
I need to activate SPI and I2C Interface on my Raspberry.
I commented out the GPS Interface, because this Interfaces does not have a GPS Interface on Board.
/*"gps_tty_path": "/dev/ttyS0",*/
I spent a few hours with the downloaded configuration File from TTN.
The problem was that I replaced the test_conf and with the downloaded TTN-configuration file.
In this picture is the part you must takeover in the test_conf File
This Gateway-card is a cheap solution for a TTN Gateway.
In the german E…y-Store you can have a new “LoraWan EMB- LR1302 - mPCle-868MHz”-Card for less than 15€
It works fine at a Raspberry Model 2 without Grafik-Mode
Hello wmnbg
Thank you for the contribution.
Can you tell me what pin setup you have set?
I’m trying to get it to work with a Raspberry pi Zero 2w.
Many thanks for the help
I didn’t have luck to put device working . I think it’s a malfunction on my hat . I bought a Dragino gateway and solved my problem .
That’s not good, that you have problems to get it work.
I can’t look at my configuration just now, because the Gateway is running at my Campsite 70km away from me and I have no Remote Access.
When I remember right, I used the configration, that was given by the installation of the sx1302_hal.git or this from Kersing just above of my post.
First I got an error, because the SPI and I2C Interfaces were disabled at my Raspi. After activating I checked this command:
cd ~/Documents/sx1302_hal/util_chip_id/
You should get a response like in this picture
If there is no response, something is wrong with the reset_lgw.sh
I will have a look on my configuration, when I’m at my Campsite next time.
Good Luck
can it be used in helium?
my operating system is crankk, it’s a multi-miner in which I can mine helium, wingbits, etc. and when I open the ssh console, nothing happens when I use those parameters.
SX1302_RESET_PIN=4 # SX1302 reset
SX1302_POWER_EN_PIN=17 # SX1302 power enable
SX1261_RESET_PIN=23 # SX1261 reset (LBT / Spectral Scan)
AD5338R_RESET_PIN=13 # AD5338R reset (full-duplex CN490 reference design)
I’m sorry for my ignorance. Right now I’m using Google Translate since my language is Spanish.
Tengo este error:
Error: Config(decode error: keypair uri: could not load ecc keypair in slot 0: Ecc608(Timeout))
I have a Nebra miner that works very well with LoRaWLR1302 Module SPI EU868 SX1302 and I also have LR1302 868M/915M LoRaWAN Hat for RPI SX1302 but when I change the Nebra hat for the new LR1302 hat with the LR1302 module, the Helium network does not recognize the module. Can someone help me? Thanks…