Wow. I’ve had some crazy hours with my RAK811-Tracker. I couldn’t get it to work as I want the Dev_EUI but it seems I only can get it via at+get_config=dev_eui but this command does not work on the tracker
Is this the only way to get the Dev_EUI out without a j-link? Or is there a paper missing in the box which should say the Dev_EUI.
I was pretty excited to get it up and running. But probably just bought the wrong RAK811.
If you manage to get the tracker connected to the network you can simply us the at+dr= 0 to 6 to change the spreading factor. I had a lot of trouble to get my board to work reliable, if you have a 8 channel or less gateway you will need to implement a channel mask to restrict the end node to transmit on these channels. Otherwise it sill be hit and miss.
Talk to the guys from RAK directly. Which region are you in?
Tracker is connecting to TTN.
In serial console tracker not accepting any AT command.
SF12 is so big for my TTNMapper test.
I am in Europe 868MHz
Sure, but you had to use a separate computer to send those AT commands didn’t you?
So if you just want to use it via AT commands, then you don’t need a custom binary - but if you want it to operate stand alone and do whatever data collection tasks autonomously (i.e. sending position once per hour) then you’ll want custom firmware.
I’ve just been looking through various sites on making a Black Magic Probe from standard STM32 ‘Blue Pills’ and the like
It looks to have good support in Platform IO which I’ve been using to play with my 811 Tracker along with the demo flasher to upload the binaries. This could be a good solution for me.
Have ordered a few different boards off AliExpress real cheap.
I guess using the #define USE_DEBUGGER, also would have solved this.
No more need to move the boot-strap when uploading a new software and excelent debugging possibilities.
Have not used the SWD_TMS pin yet but using the BlackMagicProbe is so much easier when you can dedicate the UART for debug output.
All three the device EUI, Application EUI and App Key should be entered in the commissioning file in hex/msb (= Big Endian) format, otherwise the connection won’t work.
I strictly followed QLion’s instructions in post 182 Rak811 Tracker Board and got my RAK811 gps node working from the first attempt, without J-link etc, by simply flashing over USB.
Thanks to all of you for the useful shares!
Hi… I just finished my RAK811 Tracker Board and it’s all good shown in the TTN.
I’m planning to make it powered using Battery.
I already read about Power Consumption issue on the rakwireless forum, and might need to have HW modification to make it runs on micro Ampere range.
But before that, I would like to know, how is your method for making it in sleepmode (to make uC and Semtech chip in sleepmode). I found that it’s already there in the firmware, but seems it’s not working (still drawing normal current as usual). Please advice.
Thank you