RAK7249 vs The Things Outdoor Gateway

@jpmeijers can you share your experience of the two gateways in terms of stability and connection over LTE ? I am looking to buy either of them for my projects.

I’m not ready to install either of these gateways outdoors where they are difficult to reach. I recently discovered why my TTOG’s LTE went offline: it ran out of data because it uses 30MB-60MB per day.
See: Things Outdoor Gateway - TTOG part 1
And: Gateway data usage

The RAK7249 also ran out of data and the pictures looks even worse:

Description Session Start Session End Usage
Afrihost APN Usage 2019-06-10 2019-06-10 00:00:00 2019-06-10 23:59:59 607.14KB
Afrihost APN Usage 2019-06-11 2019-06-11 00:00:00 2019-06-11 23:59:59 1.28GB
Afrihost APN Usage 2019-06-12 2019-06-12 00:00:00 2019-06-12 23:59:59 2.01GB

Taking into consideration that previous tests indicated about 3.5MB of data usage per day for a normal UDP based gateway these numbers are way out. I need to get this fixed as running a gateway at this data usage will become expensive.

Our TTOG is going up early next week (mid-wales, UK). We are using a Taoglas Barracuda antenna, mounted 3m away from the unit to gain extra elevation. 400 series N Plug to N Plug.

Might sound a silly question - is there any issue with mounting the gateway upside down? So the GPS antenna faces skywards?

Which gateway are you talking about? Perhaps ask in a gateway specific topic?

I’ve removed the post. We had a small issue with the Gain setting on the TTOG flagging an error in the logs. All resolved.

Hi, i have 2 TTOG gw, and I configurated in LTE mode. The gateway work fine, because when i go to conect by ethernet again, i cant acces to gateway?

Any idea to restar to default? (There aren’t any bottoms ¿?)

Thanks in advance

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