Pycom fipy connects ok with ABP but not OTAA

If there’s only an OTAA Join Request, but no OTAA Join Accept, then one of the following applies:

  • TTN has rejected the request due to invalid keys
  • or, TTN has elected another gateway to send the Join Accept (only applies if another gateway received the Join Request as well)
  • or, TTN has not found a gateway that is suitable to send the Join Accept at all (might apply if TTN thinks you’re using a single-channel test gateway that does not support downlinks).

If there is also a Join Accept, then somehow the node did not receive that.

See screenshots at Things Uno not joining anymore - #5 by arjanvanb for what’s expected. Also, the “Trace” part in the gateway’s traffic in TTN Console might give you some clues.

So that TTN Node is using OTAA as well? Then TTN knows the gateway supports downlinks. You might still need to reverse the keys when using different hardware. (I don’t know if the LoPy expects MSB or LSB for its keys.)

LoRaWAN :wink:

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