Overview of LoRaWAN Libraries [HowTo]

Name: ngraziano/LMICPP-Arduino
Version: 2.1.2
Frameworks: arduino
Platforms: Atmel AVR,ST STM32,Espressif 32
Description: Modified Arduino port of the LMIC framework, changed to C++ format
URL: https://github.com/ngraziano/LMICPP-Arduino
Type: Port
BaseType: LMIC
Parent Name: Classic LMIC
Parent URL: https://github.com/matthijskooijman/arduino-lmic

Main modifications:

  • Code in C++ style (class inheritance for different radio or region instead of #define)
  • Support SX1262 and SX1276
  • Class A only and no FSK
  • Deep sleep friendly (method to save state and get authorized sleep duration )

The aim is to keep it as compliant as possible while being able to use it in ATmega328P.
It is tested on ATmega328P (SX1262 and SX 1276), ESP32, RAK811 on EU868.