I have an OTAA and downlink issue:
Every now and than I have the problem that I cannot get a join accept from the network.
It happens to multiple devices. Both self made and using RN2483 and commerical like the xignal mouse trap.
I do receive a good OTAA join request in my application but the device never receives a join accept.
When this happens I see always that the strongest gateways, that shall be selected to send join accept, have no gateway-id: (See below)
Evidence of occurring phenomena captured from console in application data:
"time": "2019-10-21T17:52:01.998784717Z",
"frequency": 867.9,
"modulation": "LORA",
"data_rate": "SF12BW125",
"coding_rate": "4/5",
"gateways": [
"timestamp": 512377268,
"time": "2019-10-21T17:52:01.945049Z",
"channel": 7,
"rssi": -109,
"snr": -7.25
"gtw_id": "eui-0031552048001a06",
"timestamp": 1738476220,
"time": "",
"channel": 1,
"rssi": -101,
"snr": -16.5,
"rf_chain": 1
"timestamp": 11735132,
"time": "2019-10-21T17:52:01Z",
"channel": 1,
"rssi": -71,
"snr": 9,
"rf_chain": 1
It is an intermitting fault that has happend several times over the last weeks (may be months).
In slack I raised the same question in OPS (https://thethingsnetwork.slack.com/archives/C1Q5XLNDT/p1571680789040000) and the responces make clear that we have a serious issue that is real.
Who else has this issue? Please comment your observations on this topic to get a good overview of the issue and indication of the size. Thanks.
My question to TTN or TTI is to look in to this issue and solve it.