Yes, hence the comment about lack of memory above - the Heltech modules have far more memory.
As before, forum policy is not to use pictures when you can copy & paste the text. Please review the how-to
The MobileFish tutorial gives some useful information although I find that using LoRaWAN 1.0.2 doesn’t work as well with the new stack. I haven’t tried turning off the TimeReq MAC command but I can see that that would help.
I note in one of your text sections above you are including <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
- I’m not sure that is required for the DHT library and it may be adding an overhead to both flash & RAM, you may want to try removing it.
But overall you appear to have got to a point where it thinks it is transmitting the Join Request.
What was the flash size & available SRAM on the compile? It is shown in the IDE just before it downloads to the device - DO NOT take a screen shot - it is text.
Does your gateway “see” the join request in its web console? If not, does the gateway internal log see the transmission?
How far apart is the device & the gateway?
Did you put the OTAA EUI’s in as little endian?
Can you try the example TTN OTAA sketch without any extras, just the 2 EUI’s & the AppKey?