New! - The Things Stack Console

Hello everyone,

With the v3.32.0 release, we are rolling out a fresh, new The Things Stack Console redesigned from the ground up to be more intuitive and performant.This is the first major update of the Console since we introduced The Things Stack (v3) back in 2019.

Among many changes, most notably:

  • New look and feel
  • New sidebar-based navigation and structure
  • Top entities are automatically stored and displayed for faster access
  • More useful panels in the overviews of gateways, applications and end devices
  • Quick search feature to search globally for any entity
  • New event overlay for better in-context event examination
  • Notifications can now be viewed from within the Console

We’ve put in a lot of work to make this intuitive but we also know that it’ll have a (hopefully short) learning curve. We have done quite some testing internally and we would like your feedback on bugs or issues that you encounter.

We will be watching this thread for issues that you may encounter.

Krishna (on behalf of the amazing Console team)


The Things Sandbox is currently being updated so you may be able to load the console but get an error fetching data. No point posting anything until the update is complete:


Safari on iPadOS shows an empty page when trying to access The Things Network Console . I tried to refresh the page in several ways, cleared the cache of course, still nothing.

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It appeared to work on desktop but after a full refresh, macOS Safari 17.6:

[Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: external
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2582395)
	ls (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2032596)
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2035042)
	gr (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1998766)
	vs (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2036288)
	Dl (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2052875)
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2418482)
	El (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2049614)
	yl (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2045725)
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995273)
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2418482)
	Xo (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995219)
	Vo (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995154)
	Fe (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2065962)
	Xt (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1973835)
	n (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2612795)
[Error] Error: Minified React error #200; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
oc — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2060286
ii — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2009351
$s — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2061443
Al — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2048722
Cl — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2048650
Ll — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2048513
yl — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2045500
(anonymous function) — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995273
(anonymous function) — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2418482
Xo — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995219
Vo — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995154
Fe — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2065962
Xt — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1973835
n — libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2612795

	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2582395)
	ls (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2032596)
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2035042)
	gr (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1998766)
	vs (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2036288)
	Dl (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2052875)
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2418482)
	El (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2049614)
	yl (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2045725)
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995273)
	(anonymous function) (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2418482)
	Xo (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995219)
	Vo (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1995154)
	Fe (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2065962)
	Xt (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:1973835)
	n (libs.bf4d9746e8fe2e5e0a36.bundle.js:2:2612795)

Appears to be reacting badly to React …

I can also reproduce this on Safari. The team is looking into it. I don’t have issues on Firefox or Chrome.

I’m not sure of the definition of ‘recent’, but 3 minutes ago qualifies as ‘recent’ to me :slight_smile:

Issues on MacOS Safari should be resolved now. We’re still investigating issues on iOS Safari.

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Now working here!

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On the new Live data tab, I can’t find the verbose mode to display additional information for a device.
Do we have a way to activate like in the previous console ?
By the way, I love the new UI,

Oof, we need this indeed!

Good catch, thank you. Bear with us, we will bring it back shortly.


Been checking on Firefox ESR and confirm all lookng good…

…Safari on iPadOS looks broken per Jac @kersing above. When I tried this morning and console tabs just giving blank page I assumed was just as timed with roll-out of update in progress, but just back from mapping exercises in Newcastle/Tyne Valley area and just tried new console and see iPadOS still showing blank pages on refresh…

One (minor?) inconsistecy just noticed is on this afternoons mapping/coverage exercise for local communities I noticed just now that a common set of 3 trackers showed approx correct location status in the individual device overviews - 1 last updated in Newcastle 2 updated west along the Tyne Valley, but in their associated Application overview the location view (nice addition :slight_smile: ) shows the two in Tyne Valley Area but 3rd isnt shown in Newcastle but rather back down south in Thames Valley (moved from there on Monday!) - is there a lag in application update c/w individual device or a caching problem? (Cant be sure which device is which as Application level view doesnt show a device lable to identify and just expands to show last GPS message used to set location, but my description/assignment that the ‘Newcastle’ device is problem seems logical, though all three had been around same place in Tyne Valley over last few days).

Will watch over coming hours to see if the lagging device jumps to Tyne Valley when currently station over night.

I think the problem is a bit different: the 3rd was last spotted at approximately the location of the 1st. And device 0 (the old one) was last spotted in Thames Valley (a few months ago by now - is there any timeout on the map?), therefore the map doesn’t really show 1 and 3 apart - we’re missing zoom functionality here! The device locations are all good, but the map isn’t of much use when the device locations are scattered.

This would, besides map zooming, definitely also help in recognizing the devices on the map :slight_smile:

Issues on iOS should be resolved now.

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We’ve added an update that should resolve this issue. Please let us now if the issue persists.

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I think you are right. I was concerned as could only see 1 datapoint in Newcastle so just zoomed right the way in on Kroonos and also looked on IoT Wonderland & can see several datapoints at same location (TTN Mapper general overview has too many points to descriminate - so will look at each device individualy on there after supper :wink: ), Though set to ‘send on motion’ they have performed badly today and all the data points are where I sat in a parking bay close to the station and triggered each of the three manually (atleast twice each) :wink:

@kschiffer Location overview at Application level is a good addition as above, adding pan/zoom and labels would make it fantastic! :slight_smile: :pray:

I can confirm the console now shows content in stead of a blank page on my iPad. Thanks!

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Activity now showing perfect, thank you console team!

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Indeed iPadOS updates now showing :slight_smile: Thanks…

…what was the issue in that case?