New API for gateway mapping, status and info

Could you not do the same a Johan and just share link on Forum to implementation? I’m sure many would appreciate :wink:

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Hey @Johan_Scheepers looks like and are both now throwing 404’s - can you please update with current locations as I assume you moved? Cheer! :slight_smile:

BTW did you ever do the OracleCloud implementation vs just AWS?

I took them down.

The issue is that you can’t see what is going on with Packet Broker, you don’t know what networks are forwarding data to what network, no API for this.

You need to get in you car and map to see if there are potential coverage.

The reason we don’t expose routing policies, i.e. private networks that are forwarding to the community network, is for privacy reasons. They want to contribute but they don’t want to necessarily make their names and gateway locations public. Some private network operators do, however, maybe we’ll add an API that will return incomplete results based on privacy settings. But indeed, we don’t have it now.

Go to TTN Mapper they have access to the data of who forwards packet, get the EUI and then from the you can look up the EUI and map it.


@Johan_Scheepers yes, but TTN Mapper has no special access to Packet Broker. These private networks choose to use TTN Mapper via the application layer for mapping. That is opt-in. Packet Broker does not have an opt-in setting for private networks to expose that they are contributing to the community network, nor does it have an API endpoint to retrieve the list of private networks that are contributing. I’m not against it, it’s just not available now.

The SmartBerks (Reading & Berkshire area) GW’s being shown is always welcome :slight_smile: We should all encourage and lobby for this to happen with such local/regional public deployments as they are paid for from local/national govenment monies and paid for by the ‘community’ :wink: Perhaps such publically funded networks should be forced to use an Opt-Out vs Opt-In! :rofl: I have many GW’s in the area (mostly just over the otherside, or down stream of the Thames Valley) and I find traffic generated for either network traversing both sets of GW’s which is great for coverage and redundancy, especially in mobile devices :slight_smile: When deploying in a valley practicalities mean its often easier to provide coverage to area around one bank/escarpment from ‘the other side’, but ironically an authority like Reading Council or Berkshire council isnt able to deploy outside of their immediate territory without special measures/permissions, so the wider community is helping them in their task!

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