I’m using Adafruit LoRa Feather M0 and I would like to send temperature and battery level to my gateway. I need a little bit help on coding. I can easily send an integer number but I can not combine two numbers in a packet. Also I’m having trouble on how to send a floating point number. Here is what I have so far:
float measuredvbat = analogRead(VBATPIN);
measuredvbat *= 2; // we divided by 2, so multiply back
measuredvbat *= 3.3; // Multiply by 3.3V, our reference voltage
measuredvbat /= 1024; // convert to voltage
Serial.print("VBat: " ); Serial.println(measuredvbat);
float tempC= getTempC();
char radiopacket[3];
Serial.print("Temp is: " ); Serial.println(tempC);
Serial.print("Temp is: " ); Serial.println(radiopacket);
LMIC_setTxData2(1, (uint8_t *)radiopacket, sizeof(radiopacket)-1, 0);
Serial.println(F("Packet queued"));