Moving a device from Loriot to TTN

Thanks for your reply arjanvanb. Sorry for the late response.

We have now gotten information from the vendor that the devices use ABP. The vendor also claims the following:

  • the dev addr is optional when using ABP
  • the vendor has delivered devices with this dev addr prefix (0x14) to multiple networks, including Loriot and Blink Services and the devices work in those networks.

0x14 is KPN according to this list

The vendor’s information conflicts with the following:
From The Things Networks documentation for adding devices using ABP: “The device address will be assigned by the network server and is not customizable”

Laird documentation states that DevAddr is “End device address - Identifies the device within the current network

I don’t see any reason for the device vendor to be intentionally misleading. Could it be that Blink Services and Loriot route all messages, regardless of dev addr prefix, but TTN doesn’t?

In any case, does anyone have a suggestion on how to move these devices to TTN? Doing a new ABP (or reprogramming the devices to use OTAA) is the only solution that comes to my mind.

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