Move your TTIG to V3: YES!

Hello, I claimed TTIG in V3 according to above documentation. I un- and replugged it but it stays disconnected in the console and the green LED blinks (freq 1/4 sec).
Before, the TTIG was disconnected for months because I changed WIFI password and forgetting to change it in TTIG as well - I have corrected this. How can I trouble shoot?

Can you check if the extra BasicStation info has appeared in the gateway settings (menu on the left will get you there, scroll down a bit, it appears after the description box, gateway server address & required authentication):

Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 12.32.59

You should expect the LNS key and the three attributes. The numbers/entries/details will not necessarily be the same.

If you can’t see any of this stuff, then delete the gateway and re-claim it.

You will not be able to reuse your gateway ID so think of another one.

PS, the public bit is optional, I turned it on because I’m a nice TTNer

I did everything you wrote above, I can see that the gateway is connected to my WiFi AP, I can ping the IP and I can see that it exchanges traffic:
But the status in the console remains “Disconnected”, the cups attributes are missing and the gateway blinks red and green. I let it run for 2-3hours but nothing changed… Any idea?


Not sure why you remark on your gateway having the CUPS attributes missing, which implies you read my post but read my post above where it says

but when you read it this time, do not past Go, do not collect $200, just do it!

One of my TTIGs took three goes. It’s not a great state of affairs but there is a lot going on in the background to do a claim and it’s only been running a few days now so plenty more ironing out to do.

I did it at least 6 times before I wrote the post yesterday and nothing changed. So, yes, I read your post and also your copy/pasted post in the other thread. Does it help to be a moderator and assume that nobody reads your posts, basically expecting the worst from other people? In my experience if you try something so many times and it doesn’t work your in a situation where you need real help and that’s why I wrote the post, rather hoping for help than sarcasm.

Anyhow: I left the gateway unplugged over night and put it back in this morning and now it is connected. So my message to other users in the same situation: you might have to be patient, don’t expect the system to give you any helpful indication and keep re-trying, even if you have to do that many times.

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When I follow this guide I get the following error
could not update CUPS credentials

Edit : I think this was an error in formatting after copying the eui from v2. When I manually entered it it seems to work

Something you choose not to share with us, so we had no context to your situation.

It doesn’t help to be a moderator as it takes up a fair amount of time, but you are confusing my role as moderator with someone who posts answers which is what I was doing above, you don’t have to volunteer to be a moderator to post pointed comments. As to expecting people not to read my posts, that would be a normal expectation, yes. Some threads go on for 40 to 60 posts before we get a result. If I ask three factual questions to help debug, I usually get at least one full answer, one partial and then we have to go back & forth to get the third answered.

If you’re game, you could add me as a collaborator that can manage gateways only and DM me your EUI and WiFi password and I can have a go.

[ModeratorMode] FYI, we don’t do ad hominem attacks here. [/ModeratorMode]

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Here is my migration experience:
-TTIG bought off … most presumably also from iotshop
-Claiming did only work successfully after the 3rd attempt
-none of the previous attempts did report any errors (always got GW listed in V3, but “disconnected” … several power cycles or “patience” did not help)


-Claiming did only work successfully after the 3rd attempt

What error did you get?

always got GW listed in V3, but “disconnected” …

What’s the status of of the LEDs? Please check their status to determine if they are connected to the WiFi network which seems to be a common cause of disconnection.
The LED States are documented here;

It worked for him, nothing to fix here!

Security question:
Given that the claim code (Wi-Fi password) is on the label of the gw, can a malicious person that has physical access to the gw re-claim the gw to themselves once I’ve claimed it in V3 once?

Once a gateway is claimed, it would need to be authorized for claiming in order for someone else to be able to claim it. See also Make a Gateway Claimable | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN.

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I did not get any error - just a new GW in V3, which had been listed “Disconnected”, while the V2 version did received packets. The Led used to be solid green. … but as mentioned by McCloud → the third attempt of claiming was successful and there is nothing to be fixed here.
Just wanted to share my experience with others.

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the third attempt of claiming was successful

Thanks for your feedback. I would really like to work the first attempt. What went wrong in the first two attempts that we can improve for others?

Better documentation?

From what I understood, nothing actually went wrong; the gateway just didn’t show up as online immediately, so perhaps the last step

sometimes takes a bit longer?

I’ve another TTIG I can try and I need another one to butcher for solar / external antenna so I can try that.

But reading in between the lines from the varying reports, it would seem that the four settings required don’t appear (see my post above for a screen shot) so it seems best to delete & retry.

Is there any caching going on in the process such that after any delays in retrieving the claim from external services (pre-processing by TTI, transit or the other ends processing), the subsequent try has all the data to hand and so runs faster?

TTIG claiming is meant to work the first time. If you power cycle your gateway and it’s not connecting, please mention that here with your EUI and I’ll take a look. If there’s a bug somewhere, that should be fixed. Don’t delete and retry as that is not necessary.

Erm, sorry Krishna, it is. Numerous people aren’t getting the settings first time and they can’t wait on you picking up & investigating their case. We’ve found a work around that does the job for the majority and I’m happy to run tests with you, but we have to find a good old fashioned compromise and for now, that seems to be it.

Ok then let’s fix this so that more people don’t have to do that. If I can get a couple of EUIs where

  • Claiming was successful and the gateway was created in V3.
  • Users waited for 24 hours (for non-reachable gateways) or power cycled (reachable gateways).
  • Gateways were able to connect to the internet properly and the LED shows solid GREEN (not blinking).
  • The Gateway is still shown as disconnected in the V3 console.

If your case checks all the above boxes, please either paste your EUI here or send it to me via a private message and I’ll take a look.

Again, sorry not sorry, but the issue we are trying to fix is that people go through the claim process, it doesn’t show an error, they aren’t aware that the LNS key & attributes haven’t been setup because they don’t know to look for them so they come to the fair assumption that it’s all done but in fact nothing happens.

Once pressed to correctly answer (which is somewhat of a lottery on here) with the screenshot I made a few days back, they find those fields aren’t setup, delete & retry and after one or more additional goes, it works.

I’ve not yet seen a successful claim that included those fields that hasn’t subsequently connected.

I have seen 10+ posts where people have deleted & retried until it was worked and 5+ posts where people have checked for the 4 fields, they’ve been missing, they’ve deleted & retried. Along the way we have to steer them past the panic attack of EUI vs ID vs not being able to reuse their ID.

@Jeff-UK calls me the independent v3 tester, I suspect he will tag me as the independent support desk soon. To that end I’m inclined to knock up a PDF and close down all these different threads so we can start one thread to concentrate on, as we are split over two at present.